How to plant an aloe process?

Almost in every house on the windowsill you can find an excellent house healer - an aloe flower. It has antibacterial and disinfectant properties, and therefore has long been used in folk medicine . To grow this plant you need to know how to properly plant aloe in a pot with an appendix.

Where do we start?

The adult plant regularly gives young shoots and this process of aloe, before planting it in the ground, it is necessary to take the plant from the plant. Young sprouts carefully removing the movement from the ground, breaking off from the powerful root of the mother plant, and spread on the windowsill for 2-3 days for podvyamivaniya.

Beginners of floriculture are very concerned about the question of how to plant an aloe plant without a root, because it will die. In fact, with a young plant, aloe and do it - planted, not waiting for the formation of the root system.

The fact is that aloe is a plant that stores moisture inside the fleshy leaves, and for a long time it does not allow the process to die, even when it is separated from the adult flower. It is noted that plants that were previously placed in water develop more slowly.

Plant and water

Young plant after drying the cut can be planted in the ground. This will require a pot of small diameter or even a glass. We pour into it a loose peaty soil, mixed with sand and thoroughly watered.

Once the glass water can begin to land. For this, the process is buried approximately 2 centimeters and we compact the soil with the fingers. You can even tie it to a small peg for stability.

After the aloe is planted it should be watered regularly, as soon as the ground has dried, but not to allow clogging and rotting. After about a couple of weeks, young roots will appear, and when the plant will grab well for the land, watering can be reduced.