When to sow dill for the winter?

Everyone knows the spicy aroma of dill. It's hard to imagine a plate of boiled young potatoes, dressed with butter, and not tampered with this fragrant grass. Cultivation of this plant will not cause difficulties even to novice farmers. Dill is resistant to cold, does not suffer from lack of moisture, even able to tolerate a small drought. The growth of this plant is not able to prevent even landing on the shaded area. Well dill grows in fertilized organic fertilizer soil. Experienced gardeners know that it is best to seed dill, made for the winter. And many even do fennel growing in winter. After reading this material, and you will be able to timely make a dill seeding for the winter and get a good harvest.

Rules of landing

So, when and how to sow dill for the winter, to get a good harvest, and perhaps not one. Experienced truck farmers manage to harvest the dill three times a year! Planting dill under the winter to ensure a good harvest in the early spring requires preparation of the soil. Determine the number of beds for seeding dill, and make organic fertilizers in advance. Sowing is performed a week or two before the first frost. If you already have the experience of spring sowing of this crop, consider a 25% increase in the consumption of seeds of any variety (eg, alligator, hoar-frost, amazon) when planting dill for the winter.

Seeding the beds of dill for the winter, do not forget that the seeds need to be covered with a half thicker layer of earth. For the protection of the seeds, you can cover the future beds of mulch, this will give more confidence in the success of the event.

In spring, the seeds will begin to germinate when the soil warms up in the spring sun to five degrees. Short-term frosts will not kill the dill. This plant is able to withstand temperatures of -10 degrees. The ideal conditions for the most harmonious development of the plant is a temperature of 20 degrees.

Features of care

With how to plant dill under the winter, figured out. Now you can go to the tips for caring for him.

  1. Try to feed the plants at least 2 times in 40 days of plant growth. Many people use mullein as a fertilizer. The recipe is simple: 6 parts of water, 1 part of manure. Stir well and go!
  2. A variant of fertilization with chicken litter is possible, but in this case the proportion of the solution will be 1:20.
  3. Add and mineral fertilizers, diluting a tablespoon of the drug on a bucket of water.
  4. Try to weed as much as possible the beds with dill, if the weeds do not interfere, the bushes will come out much more magnificent. The weeding procedure should be carried out weekly - this will ensure clean beds without adult weeds.

Dill harvesting and storage

Dill ripens in 40 days. If planted for the winter, and then re-crossed, it will be possible to have fresh fennel in the farm before strong frosts, harvesting two crops without effort. Preparing for consumption in food is young bushes, a little more than five centimeters in height. Remove dill as selectively, tearing down the largest bushes, and all in one fell swoop, if you need to sow the next crop.

It should be noted that the storage of dill in the frozen state allows better preserving the spicy flavor of the seasoning. Frozen dill much more fragrant than dried - this is a fact.

Received from this material knowledge of how to plant dill for the winter, is enough to ensure that you are already in the first year were able to get a rich harvest. Surprise homemade early March dill (weather permitting). Vitamins and microminerals, which are contained in dill, will be very handy after winter vitamin deficiency.