The normal blood sugar level actually shows the amount of glucose. It is a universal energy that ensures the work of organs, including the brain. The latter for its functioning can not use any substitutes for this carbohydrate.
Glucose - what is it?
From glucose directly depends on the working capacity of the whole organism. If the blood lacks this component, the fats begin to be split. Therefore, it is important to know what level of sugar in the blood is considered the norm, and you do not even need to take the analysis out of your finger. One of the decay products are ketone bodies, which are considered harmful to the brain and the entire body. They can cause weakness, drowsiness, or a feeling of nausea - all this is considered an acetone state.
Glucose is found in the body through food. One part, getting into the stomach, immediately gives energy to maintain efficiency. The rest turns into glycogen. When the body needs this component, special hormones are produced that transform it into glucose.
Regulation of glucose level
The index of sugar is reduced due to insulin. It is formed in the pancreas. But to increase the amount of glucose will help the following:
- Glucagon. Also, the pancreas is produced and reacts when the blood sugar level falls below the average or the norm inherent in this organism.
- Adrenaline . The hormone is synthesized in the adrenal glands.
- Glucocorticoids.
- "Command" hormones appearing in the brain.
- Hormone-like substances that also increase the amount of glucose.
Diagnosing the state
To determine this indicator, blood is surrendered to the laboratory. Before the procedure it is forbidden to eat for ten hours. Do not even use water, not to mention tea or coffee. It is also desirable to sleep properly. It is important to consider acute infectious diseases. Most often during the illness the blood is not checked.
The normal level of fasting blood sugar is 3.3-5.5 mmol / L and 4-7.8 mmol / L after meals. If the received indicators do not fall within the framework - an alarm sign, after which you need to see a doctor. It is important to note that the rates of glucose in the representatives of the strong and the weak half are the same.
How to determine the exact value of sugar?
Usually for this purpose, blood is taken on an empty stomach. Although this method has long been used throughout the world, it still has its drawbacks:
- The glucose level is shown at the moment. It turns out that a person can at least every week to take tests and sugar in the blood every time there will be different amounts.
- The patient can wake up having an increased amount of glucose in the body. If, say, he decides to walk to the center for half an hour, this figure will recover to a normal level.
- The patient may have a high level of sugar for a long time. Somehow, he will be able to return the indicators to normal (after working a couple of days in the fresh air). Analyzes will show that everything is in order, although this is not true.
It should be noted that the norms of blood sugar level in diabetes also differ. So, for example, when donating blood on an empty stomach, the analysis will show the figures of 5.0-7.2 mmol / l, and after meals 7.8-10.0 mmol / l.
Important to remember
There are several characteristics that every person needs to know:
- The norms of sugar in adult men and women do not differ.
- It is desirable to constantly monitor the amount of glucose in the body and maintain it at the required level.
- During pregnancy, you need to go through a program showing tolerance to sugar.
- At the age of 40, it is advisable to take a blood test for hemoglobin every three years.