Barrett's esophagus

Barrett's esophagus is one of the most dangerous symptoms of complication of GERD disease - gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD is a chronic disease that periodically recurs and manifests itself as a spontaneous and repetitive casting into the esophagus of the contents of the stomach due to relaxation or incomplete closure of the sphincter.

Such a recurring process can lead to complications in the form of Barrett's esophagus, which means the proliferation of the cylindrical shape of the epithelium as opposed to the normal - flat and multilayered.

As is customary in medicine, the name of this disease was derived from the name of the person who first described it in 1957. It was the English surgeon Norman Barrett. Today, scientists are not fully determined whether to consider Barrett's esophagus as a separate disease or to evaluate it as a symptom of GERD.

According to statistical data, this complication is found in 10% of GERD patients, and taking into account the general statistics - in 1%. This condition is regarded by doctors as precancerous.

The causes of Barrett's esophagus

If we mean the connection between Barrett's esophagus and GERD, then the cause is chronic acid damage to the walls of the esophagus and as a consequence - its inflammation.

Some hold the view that the hereditary predisposition plays a role in the development of this pathology.

Diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus

The asymptomatic course of the disease complicates the timely diagnosis, and therefore people with a GERD illness or those who experience constant heartburn, the optimal option is a periodic visit to the gastroenterologist and disease control.

For the examination of the esophagus, endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract is used, and if biopsies are detected, a biopsy is performed for analysis for the presence of cancer cells.

Can Barrett's esophagus be cured?

Barrett's esophagus can be cured, but this is a serious complication of the underlying disease, and therefore surgical intervention is possible - an extreme measure of treatment.

Prognosis for Barrett's esophagus

This symptom may be a sign of cancer or increase the likelihood of its development. The disease can be regulated with proper treatment, diet and a healthy lifestyle.

How to treat Barrett's esophagus?

Treatment of Barrett's esophagus is similar to treatment of GERD, and consists of correction of lifestyle, diet and medication. If these funds do not give a positive result, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Correction of a way of life:

Barrett's esophagus

Nutrition in the Barrett's esophagus is to rationalize the portions: there is little need, but often, and while it is desirable to comply with the regime.

After eating, to occupy a horizontal position is not recommended, so as not to provoke reflux - the main problem of GERD, which provokes tissue proliferation.

The following products are prohibited for acceptance:

With such a strict menu you need to monitor the health status - there are a lot of protein-free, low-fat food, include in the diet fiber and with care - carbohydrates. Overeating with such a disease is prohibited.

Medication Therapy

Medications are selected individually, because it is a case of an exacerbation of the condition and this requires a special approach to treatment based on the results of the biopsy, if it was, and evaluation of the esophagus during endoscopy. In such cases, drugs that improve motility and normalize acidity are prescribed. Also in such cases, antisecretory medications are effective.


With complications of GERD - Barrett's esophagus, surgery is often prescribed - fundoplication in a laparoscopic way.

Barrett's esophagus - treatment with folk remedies

Barrett's esophagus treatment with folk remedies without control and coordination with a doctor can lead to severe complications of the disease.

To reduce inflammation, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix in equal parts the flowers of chamomile, calendula, sage , flax seed St. John's wort and elecampane, and then make a broth and let it brew in a cool place for 5 hours.
  2. Take the drug for 5 tablespoons. 30 minutes before eating for a month.

Also for the treatment of connoisseurs of folk medicine recommend taking 2 tablespoons. potato freshly squeezed juice every day after 1.5 hours after eating.