17 amazing cats who love to swim

It is believed that the cat family by its nature negatively refers to water, and any liquid. Exceptions are only wild cats who like taking baths. And, probably, many owners dream that their fluffy pet loved to swim and bathe.

Why dream? The cat world has long moved to the side of water lovers. Especially for all those who still have little faith in this, we picked up pictures of domestic cats and cats who are delighted with the kind of water and take baths with pleasure. Get rid of stupid stereotypes!

1. The morning shower helps to tune in to a productive and educational day. And cats know this too!

2. If you admire a brilliant tap for a very long time, sooner or later water will flow from it.

3. The soul awakens an unrestrained desire to dance, and dance.

4. Why do we need toys in the bath? Better than a cat no one can cheer you.

5. In principle, taking a bath with a pet is also remembered for a long time.

6. Love for silver mixers is born instantly and lasts the rest of your life.

7. This event must last forever, well, or at least the whole day.

8. Taking a bath is good for health. And do not look at your cat as if it had fallen from another planet.

9. A hard working day should not adversely affect evening entertainment, so a bath is a better means of fighting fatigue.

10. Run the rubber fish into the tub to your cat and you will have an unforgettable pleasure watching this miracle.

11. Personal space and time for yourself? Cats hardly heard about it.

12. It seems that the expression on the face of this cat explained to all specifically and intelligibly that there is absolutely nothing to be surprised at.

13. Reflections on life and a pleasant pastime can exist only in one place - in a bath.

14. Bubble bursting is one of the most favorite activities of representatives of the cat family. Try it!

15. Cats love to take baths and jump into them with a running start. Only in the beginning they will necessarily ask permission from you. But it is better not to leave them alone with a full bathroom.

16. A cat who said: "Man, this bath is too small for two! Get out! "

17. If you still do not believe in cat's love of water, then you just never saw this wonderful water-lily!