Closed pleurisy

Obmkovanny pleurisy - an extremely dangerous disease of the respiratory system, which can not be ignored. In 99% of cases, the patient will be offered hospitalization followed by intensified conservative or surgical treatment. The disease is severe, so the sooner the therapy is started, the less complications thereafter.

Causes of development of clotted pleurisy

The occluded pleurisy of the lungs is characterized by inflammation of the pleural membrane of the lower parts of the respiratory organs and the accumulation between the pleura and the diaphragm of the effusion - a special fluid. The effusion can be of several types:

Basically, the nature of the fluid depends on the causes of the disease. It can be:

Because the vaccinated type of pleurisy is always provoked by other lung diseases, the methods of therapy can vary significantly. The main symptoms of the disease are wheezing and heaviness in the chest. Sometimes a strong cough may develop. The prognosis for the diagnosis of ulcerated pleurisy can be beneficial only if the treatment is started in a timely manner.

Treatment of digested pleurisy

The course of treatment is always selected individually and includes bed rest, diet and mandatory medication. Usually it is anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs, strong antibiotics and fortifying agents. In addition, drugs are prescribed that improve ventilation and circulation of the respiratory system. If the liquid continues to accumulate after a week of therapy, it can be removed only surgically. At the rehabilitation stage, the patient is shown therapeutic exercise and physiotherapy procedures aimed at self-cleaning the lungs.