Cefepime - analogues

Selection of antibiotics is not an easy task. Very often after a short treatment the patient has to give up some drugs in favor of others. The reason is that it is very difficult to reliably determine the microorganism that caused the disease. That's why very often you have to seek help from Cefepime analogues and other known drugs. Fortunately, the choice of generics is great enough, and therefore you can find a suitable replacement in any case.

Intended use of injections and tablets Cefepime

Cefepime is a very effective antibiotic. Belongs to the fourth generation of cephalosporins . It has a powerful bactericidal action. Cefepime acts directly on the cells of harmful microorganisms - violates their synthesis, thus preventing reproduction.

Cefepime, its analogs and synonyms are struggling with most bacteria. Resist the drugs can only listeria, legionella and some anaerobic bacteria .

Are shown to application of means at infectious diseases of respiratory ways, a skin, genitourinary system. Practically all specialists are prescribed antibiotics as prophylaxis after operations.

Because this is a very strong medicine, the antibiotic Cefepime has some contraindications to the use. Thus, Cefepime is not suitable for patients with intolerance to cephalosporins. Refuse the drug better and those who can have an allergic reaction to penicillin or L-arginine.

What can replace Cefepime?

There are a lot of Cefepime analogues. The most popular of them look like this:

Virtually all of the drugs on this list can be found on a free sale, but some of them may require a prescription from a doctor.

Like Cefepime, most analogues are sold in tablets and in the form of powder for the preparation of injections. The most suitable form of antibiotic is selected by a specialist. At the initial stages of the disease can be cured with the help of tablets. In more complex cases, preference should be given to injections - they act much faster and more efficiently.