Estradiol lowered

Estradiol - the main female hormone, produced by the ovaries and adrenals. It is present both in the male and in the female body. In the male body, it is produced in the testes, adrenal glands and most of the peripheral tissues. Thanks to his influence on the body, a typical feminine figure is formed, which is why it is considered feminine. In the female body, this hormone is responsible for the formation of the reproductive system, the development of secondary genitalia, the menstrual cycle, the development of the ovum, the growth and development of the uterus during pregnancy, and also affects psychophysiological sexual behavior. All these functions are disrupted if estradiol is lowered.

Estradiol is lowered - symptoms

With a reduced level of estradiol the symptoms will be:

Also, the suspicion of low estradiol should cause feminization in men.

Low estradiol - causes

Low estradiol in women can be caused by the use of oral contraceptives and chemotherapeutic drugs. Reduction of estradiol in the blood can be a side effect of drugs, for example, Danazol, Nafarelin, Pravastatin, Cimetidine, Nandrolo, Mifepristone (in case of miscarriage), Dexamethasone and others can give the effect of lowering estradiol.

Low estradiol - symptoms

Low estradiol is diagnosed with such symptoms: rapid weight loss, high-carbohydrate or fat-free diet, vegetarianism, bulimia, endocrine disorders, inflammation of the genitals, a violation in the production of sex hormones, and also with strong physical exertion. Also, a low level of estradiol in women is observed in the case of early pregnancy and as a result of alcohol abuse in the post-menstrual period.

The lack of estradiol can be independently determined by such symptoms: the absence of menstruation for more than six months, dry skin, reducing the size of the breast and uterus, problems with conception of the child for more than six months.

Estradiol is decreased in pregnancy

In the early term, low estradiol will be diagnosed during pregnancy, and this is normal. Estradiol creates conditions for the successful development of the child from conception to the birth itself. It is this hormone that provides the necessary growth of the uterus according to the growth of the baby.

Estradiol lowered - treatment

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to pass the analysis to the level of estradiol content. This requires a biomaterial - blood from the vein.

If the analysis revealed a decreased estradiol, how to raise it to normal in the body? To increase the level of estradiol, doctors recommend hormonal treatment, but women try to avoid such treatment, which can lead to weight gain and other unpleasant consequences. Traditional medicine has in its arsenal several hundred herbs containing phytoestrogens - substances that can make up for the lack of estrogen in the body. The most famous and effective are: sage , hops, clover, sweet clover, licorice, mistletoe, oregano, linden flowers and others.

The level of estradiol can be increased, but not limiting itself to food, because during a strict diet, hormones in the body cease to be produced. Increase the level of estradiol can also be if you eat well and properly - the diet should be predominantly protein food, which contributes to the production of estradiol.