How to process a newborn's navel?

After discharge from the hospital, it is important for the young mother to know how to take care of the newborn properly. Many women are lost and do not know what to do. The most common question they ask physicians is how to process a newborn's navel.

The fact is that after the birth of the umbilical cord , which was associated with the mother and child, it is not needed, and it is cut, leaving a piece 2 cm long. To prevent bleeding, a clamp is applied to it. After a while, usually 4-5 days, this umbilical cord dries up and disappears. But the wound will heal for a few more weeks. Every mother needs to know how to handle it after the navel of the newborn has disappeared.

Like any wound, this place will become wet, sometimes bleed. It forms crusts under which an infection can develop. Therefore, daily treatment of the navel of the newborn is very important. If the mother complies with certain rules, the healing will be faster.

How much to process a newborn's navel?

This is done 1-2 times. Usually in the morning during hygienic procedures and in the evening after bathing. This makes it easier to remove the crust that is soaked in water. If the wound bleeds, you can treat it again. But it is not recommended to do this very often. In recent years, a new technique has emerged - not to touch the navel and allow it to heal on its own. But in this case, my mother needs to closely monitor the wound to prevent her infection.

What do you need to process?

For this process you will need:

Usually the navel is treated with a green, but you can use a solution of chlorophyllite for this. It allows you to notice signs of inflammation in time, because it is colorless.

How to process a belly button for newborns?

  1. With two fingers, slide the skin open, opening the umbilical opening.
  2. Paste hydrogen peroxide there. She will start to foam. Wait a little to soak the crust.
  3. Wadded sticks gently remove foam and wet crust. Do not rip them off.
  4. In the dried wound, drip the antiseptic solution. Try not to get on the skin around the navel. Do not grease the green belly of the baby, otherwise you may not notice signs of inflammation.

What are the rules to be followed in order for the navel to heal faster:

When should I see a doctor?

Many mothers are frightened when they see that the navel of the newborn is bleeding. But this is normal and requires only more attention and additional processing with hydrogen peroxide. But the appearance of the following symptoms should alert the parents:

Each mother should know how the navel heals the newborn. Its processing is not difficult and does not take much time, but it helps to avoid infection of the wound.