Removal of tonsils

Tonsils are organs in the pharynx, which are a kind of protective barrier. They are the first to take a hit with a throat disease. Like any other organ, tonsils can be exposed to diseases that can often be treated medically, but sometimes surgical intervention is required.

The main indications for the removal of tonsils

Many people know about the tonsils and where they are, only when they are sick. One of the most common diseases in children, which is often diagnosed and in adults - tonsillitis - is closely related to the tonsils.

People with sick tonsils often suffer from angina. During colds and SARS, they can have pustules and ulcers in their throat. When tonsillitis passes into a chronic stage, and the diseases are excruciated with unenviable regularity, doctors can prescribe an operation to remove tonsils.

All patients who require the removal of tonsils, can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  1. The first category includes most people, it includes patients suffering from chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis. Diseases in them are difficult, often knocking out of the rut.
  2. The second category is people who suffer from diseases associated with chronic tonsillitis. It can be various diseases of the nasopharynx ( sinusitis , rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and others). A timely operation to remove the tonsils can get rid of all the ailments described above.
  3. The third category includes patients who are not bothered by problems with the nasopharynx, but who suffer from other diseases. The latter arise as a consequence of the fact that the body has a focus of infection. That is, more simply, the disease occurs "at a distance".

For all patients of the categories described above, the removal of tonsils is a chance to return to a normal, throat-free life. But do not forget that without tonsils a person can become more vulnerable. How to live without tonsils, whether it's good or bad, we'll talk below.

The main ways to remove tonsils

Previously, tonsils were removed exclusively through surgical intervention, today there are several different methods:

Of all the existing methods for removing tonsils with laser, doctors consider it to be the most effective and simple. Operation using a laser lasts much less than usual - on average the procedure takes no more than half an hour. The laser beams do not touch the small vesicles, and therefore the operation is considered to be practically bloodless. And another great advantage of laser surgery - the rehabilitation period after the removal of the tonsils lasts no more than four days, and the pain sensations are minimal. While after a classic operation a person can come back to normal for a week, or even longer, and a sore throat gives him a lot of problems.

What are the consequences of tonsil removal?

Removal of the tonsils is an extreme and undesirable measure, so before prescribing for surgery, doctors prescribe a multifaceted medication. Without tonsils, a person is susceptible to viral diseases of the throat. In addition, tonsils play an important role when forming immunity. To maintain the body in the norm after surgery, almost all patients are advised to constantly take some vitamins, drugs that increase immunity, eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Immediately after the surgery to remove the tonsils, patients may be tormented by nausea, fever, sore throat and lower jaw, and hoarse voices. And if the removal of tonsils was not carried out under general anesthesia, then a person may suffer from a nervous breakdown. Agree, not everyone can calmly watch how a man in a white coat does something in his throat, even if the pain is not felt.