Espartic honey - useful properties

Healing properties of honey people have been using since ancient times. Pythagoras, who lived to the age of 90, Democritus, over 100 years old, Hippocrates, who reached the age of 107 years, daily consumed honey and used it for medicinal purposes. Among the valuable products is also siskirt honey, whose useful properties are the unique content of bioactive substances, minerals and vitamins.

Espartic honey, its properties and application

From other varieties of sainfoin honey appearance and properties, in the people it is called "white honey". This is due to the fact that fresh honey is almost colorless and transparent, it crystallizes very slowly, acquiring a white or light amber color and a consistency of thick cream. It also has a delicate taste and unusual delicate aroma, similar to the smell of roses.

The healing properties of sainfoin honey are caused by a rich biochemical composition:

The benefit of espartic honey lies in its amazing effect on virtually all tissues of the human body:

  1. Enzyme composition improves the digestive tract, regulates the work of the intestines, stimulates metabolism .
  2. Antimicrobial and healing properties are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of internal organs and skin.
  3. A rich vitamin-mineral composition contributes to a rapid recovery of working capacity and overall strengthening of the body.
  4. Regenerating abilities are actively used for cosmetic purposes and for therapeutic massages.
  5. High content of minerals helps to quickly cope with anemia and hypovitaminosis.

Espartic honey is used as a medicinal and restorative for weak immunity, mental and physical exhaustion, sexual impotence, metabolic disorders. As an antibacterial agent used to rinse the mouth with sore throats and diseases of the mouth, to wash badly healing wounds, for syringing with gynecological diseases. The honey has an excellent effect on the cardiovascular, nervous, bile excretory system.