Banana Ingredients

This positive yellow fruit today is almost not perceived as "exotic". We are so used to seeing him on the shelves of shops and at home in the fridge, that we consider banana as almost an everyday product. He deserved such popular love, thanks to his remarkable taste and nutritional value. Yes, and nutritionists treat him very favorably, noting the mass of merits of this fruit.

What is contained in a banana?

The composition of banana includes a great many useful substances and trace elements. Most of the mass of the fruit is water and starch, which turns into water as the fruit ripens. Therefore, the chemical composition of the banana includes almost 25% of carbohydrate compounds (fructose, sucrose, glucose). Also here are pectins, fiber, a little protein, malic acid, aromatic and enzymatic substances. The content of vitamins in the banana is also quite high. For example, in one hundred grams of fruit there can be from 8 to 12 milligrams of vitamin C. Still here vitamins A and E, vitamins of group B, and also such active substance as serotonin, known as "a hormone of happiness" are present. And for a long time already there is no need to check the axiom: you want to improve the mood - eat a banana. Vitamins in the banana, as well as potassium and magnesium contained here, make it, among other things, extremely useful for the cardiovascular system.

And yet dieticians advise not to get carried away eating those fruits. After all, the banana contains a huge amount of carbohydrates. This is due to the high energy value of the fruits, which very often include athletes in their diet. After all, only two fruits are able to give the necessary amount of energy for a full strength training. But unsporting personalities do not it is worth eating them too often and too much. The composition and calorie content of bananas are directly interrelated. The number of calories in a single medium-sized fruit can be up to 150 units.

Separately, mention should be made of the properties and composition of dried bananas. These dried fruits are now quite popular snack, as they are stored longer and they are convenient to take with them to work or on the road. In them, as in fresh fruits, high content of carbohydrates, vitamins of group B (especially B6, responsible for metabolism), vitamin C, starch. But the calorie content of dried bananas is almost five times larger than in conventional ones. Therefore, too much to get involved in them is also not worth it.