Corn - calorie content

Once it was treated as a sacred culture, for someone - it's an exotic food product, and for us - one of your favorite summer treats. All this concerns beautiful bright yellow ears - corn. Use it in fresh, dried and canned. Of the grains make flour and cereal, as well as a favorite popcorn .

Many simply boil the cobs and enjoy sweet grains, not knowing that you can make real culinary masterpieces from a vegetable. Have you ever tried corn, cooked on a grill or in an oven with spices? In some European restaurants, this dish is worth a lot of money. Is it possible to pamper yourself with such goodies on a diet and how many calories in the corn cob will be interesting to learn to many.

Useful properties of corn

In a small ear, vitamins, micro- and macro elements are contained, so you can state that corn is a natural tablet that helps to cope with some problems. High nutritional value and biological activity provides easy digestion of corn by the body. Let's take a closer look at the information on the composition and caloric content of corn. And so, 100 g of the product includes:

The presence of fiber provides the effect of cleansing the intestines from the products of decay, and eating one ear can get rid of hunger. In addition, there is choline in corn, which favorably affects metabolic processes.

Corn grains have a diuretic effect, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which, as it is known, is the cause of puffiness and the appearance of cellulite. It has been experimentally proved that the vegetable helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. "Queen of the Fields", as the maize is called, positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.

We can not enjoy fresh cobs, unfortunately, all year round we can not, so the grain is boiled, and after freezing or canned. Many are sure that sweet corn from a can is certainly harmful to the figure, but here you will be surprised. Calorie content of canned corn is 119 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, you can safely use the grain for cooking a variety of dishes. As for the benefits, the amount of substances is reduced, but not critical.

Is it possible to eat corn on a diet?

From the foregoing information, it is understood that the grains have properties that contribute to weight loss. Only the amount of calories in corn can vary depending on the way it is cooked. For example, many people like to oil the cobs with oil, and this directly increases the energy value . Another habit harmful to the figure is the sprinkling of cobs with salt. As it is known, it detains fluid in the body, negatively affects the work of the heart.

If you watch your weight and are a fan of sweet corn, do not despair, since if it's right cook, it will not only give pleasure, but also help to lose weight. It is best to cook the vegetables for a couple, boil or bake, so you keep the maximum amount of useful substances.

It remains to figure out how much to eat corn. Many for some reason choose for themselves mono-diets, which give a quick, but short-term result. Let's calculate: in order not to harm the body and get rid of excess weight, it is necessary to consume at least 1200 calories per day, which is about 5 corn cobs of medium size. Adhering to such a diet, you can damage your health, because you will not get the necessary amount of protein and fat. It is recommended to simply supplement your balanced menu with your favorite corn and the result will not be long in coming.