Panaritium - treatment

This disease of the skin of the fingers of an inflammatory nature with the formation of pus. Most often, panaritium, the treatment of which we will consider below, develops when bacteria of staphylococci enter the wounds. Reduction of protective functions, for example, due to diabetes , predisposes to infection.

Treatment of felon on the finger

Timely appeal to a specialist reduces the process of treatment, allowing to prevent the occurrence of difficulties.

At the stage of development of the disease, which is superficial, conservative treatment is provided, providing for physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF and laser therapy), as well as various baths and antibiotic therapy.

Further stages of the disease require surgical intervention. It is important in the event of pain immediately seek medical attention to avoid possible complications.

An important component of the fight against panaritium is the treatment with antibiotics. The patient is assigned to receive amoxiclav and tsiproleta. The course of treatment lasts seven days.

Panaritium - surgical treatment

As stated earlier, the main place in the fight against the disease is given to the operational method, which for each degree of the finger is selected:

  1. With skin felon, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and special scissors cut off the exfoliating parts of the epidermis. This procedure is not painful, therefore does not require the administration of pain medication.
  2. With subcutaneous felon, characterized by a thickening of the finger and limited mobility, side cuts are carried out, by means of which drainage is carried out using a rubber graduate and turunas of gauze. This ensures the removal of pus and prevents the edges from sticking together when the wound is healed.
  3. With a subungual panaritium treatment means cutting the nail over the surface of the purulent focus. If it is in the center of the nail plate, then trepanation of its proximal areas is carried out.
  4. When included in the inflammatory process of the joint in the initial stages perform its puncture followed by the administration of antibiotics. If the recovery is not observed after four procedures, the joint is opened, washed with antiseptics and eliminated the necrosis-affected tissue.

Panaritium - treatment with folk remedies

To combat inflammation in the early stages are recommended to use home recipes.

The solution of soda helps to cope with the panaritium:

  1. A glass of hot water requires two tablespoons of soda.
  2. Immerse the affected finger for half an hour with a frequency of three times a day.

On the third day you can see an improvement.

To relieve inflammation, you can apply gauze moistened with iodine and apply to the abscess and leave for the night. After a couple of days of such procedures, the swelling subsides.

Quite an effective method of treatment panaricium at home is a mixture of Vishnevsky ointment with fir oil :

  1. The composition is smeared with gauze and applied to the wound, fixing with polyethylene and bandage.
  2. Change the bandage at least twice a day.

At the initial stage of the subungual panaritium, it is recommended to use a gauze dressing with ointment applied on it. Prepare the remedy from the whipped egg whites with chopped laundry soap.

Prevention of panarity

To prevent inflammation, it is necessary to treat the wound in time. If damaged, follow:

  1. Wash hands immediately with detergent.
  2. Remove foreign body (splinter, fish bone, glass, etc.).
  3. Squeeze a little blood and lubricate the sore spot with green or iodine.
  4. Top with a band-aid or wrapped in bandage.