How to ask for a salary increase?

Often happens that working for a long time in a company, a person gets used to the team, to the boss, is with all in a good relationship and ask for a salary increase seems to be uncomfortable. But no matter how comfortable the climate was in the team, the need for money will not block this, so we will have to overcome our shyness and ask for higher salaries. And here's how to do it, we'll now talk in more detail.

How to apply for salary increase?

Asking for salary increases is better in writing. First, the chiefs are also people and they can simply forget about the oral request, and a written request will require an answer. Secondly, when writing a request, you will have time to correctly express your thoughts and find the right arguments.

Where to start the treatment? Naturally with praise to the boss. But it must be justified, marking the business qualities of the leader, and not abstract. Well, then you can go on to explain why you need a salary increase.

How to explain the need for higher wages?

It is clear that the phrase "I ask you to raise my wages" is not enough. How to prove to management the need for such a step? There are several ways.

  1. "I'm a valuable employee." Do not take this as praising yourself as your beloved, the bosses do not always remember our successes and take the qualitative performance of duties as a matter of course. But if you work in the company for a long time, were the initiators of any innovations, brought tangible benefits to the company, why not say so? Such a valuable and important, loyal (as indicated by your work experience in the company) an employee, as you undoubtedly deserves to be encouraged by an increase in wages. So do not hesitate to list your achievements, because you really did a lot for the company.
  2. "I am a qualified worker". A true professional in the course of his labor activity certainly tries to improve his skills, including reading of special literature, visiting seminars, passing courses, and even highly specialized higher education. Tell me about it, because who is not a company, and so your manager is interested in competent employees, connoisseurs of his business. If so far you can not boast of special achievements, then it is worth mentioning the impeccable fulfillment of your job duties by you - this is a lot. Say that the amount of work that you are doing requires more pay.
  3. "I want compensation." If you use your own car for business purposes, and there is no question of amortization or payment of gasoline. If the company does not compensate for the cost of mobile communications, and you are constantly using it for duty. If you often stay late at work and go out on work during the weekend, you do not get compensation for this. In short, if you have to spend your time and money for the needs of the company, without getting compensation in return, then it should be mentioned in the request for higher wages.
  4. "My services are more expensive." Any manager certainly wants to minimize costs, and the profit to get as much as possible. Sometimes this aspiration comes to fanaticism, and workers receive the minimum possible salary for their position. At the same time, the list of duties is quite impressive. Do not be lazy to monitor the salaries corresponding to your position in your region. It is not superfluous to call several companies and clarify what duties will lie on the specialist. The result of the monitoring is attached to your request for salary increase, let the authorities see that your demands are not unfounded, that you, with your skills and experience, will easily find yourself a better-paid job.