Why are the toenails black?

Noticing that the nails on the toes are blackened, we experience not only discontent with their external change. We begin to worry: is everything in order with our health? Everyone understands that the change in color and structure of the nail plates does not occur without cause. And for the lady who suffered this unpleasantness, the question is extremely important: why do blackened toenails?

Frequent reasons why black toenails

Strictly speaking, the main reasons for darkening the color of the nail plates are two.


Most often, the black nail is the result of physical trauma or strong pressure in the area of ​​the toes. Less often, the injury is associated with exposure to high temperatures. After the impact of a heavy object or a strong bruise of the finger (fingers), the pain lasts up to 2 weeks, until the nerve endings in the nails die. If the swelling of the finger is noticeably noticeable, we advise you to seek the help of a surgeon. The doctor, having made a hole in the nail plate, will remove the accumulated liquid.


The second common cause of nail polish is fungal diseases. Infection with rubromycosis or trichophytosis occurs when visiting a public bath, swimming pool, or when wearing someone else's shoes. If you suspect a nail fungus, you should consult a dermatologist or a mycologist. After all, to cure the nail plates and restore their habitual appearance, you can only accurately determine the appearance of the affected fungus.

Other causes of blackening nails

In rare cases, darkening of the nails indicates the diseases of other body systems. Specialists note that:

  1. Dark green color of nails is observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Bluish shade is inherent in patients with circulatory disorders.
  3. Brown-yellow nails can be a sign of a disorder of the central nervous system, in particular pathological changes in the brain.