5 months of pregnancy - is how many weeks?

Often, especially in women, bearing the first child, there is confusion in calculating the gestational age. The thing is that, as a rule, doctors indicate the period in weeks, and the mothers themselves are used to counting it for months. Let's try to understand: 5 months of pregnancy - how much it is in weeks and with what, in fact, the week begins this period.

How to transfer months of pregnancy in a week?

To begin with, it must be said that all midwives consider the duration of the gestational age in the so-called obstetric months. Their difference from all the usual calendar is that they are always 4 weeks in each. That is why there is a slight difference in the duration of the entire gestation period: 9 calendar months are equal to 10 obstetric. As a result, the entire pregnancy lasts at a normal rate of 40 obstetric weeks.

If we talk specifically about how much it is - 5 months of pregnancy - in the midweek weeks, then this is exactly 20 weeks. In this case, the fifth month of gestation begins with 17 weeks.

What happens to the fetus on the 5th month?

By the end of this time period, the future baby reaches a mass of 200 grams, and the length of his body is 15 cm.

At this time there is a change in the skin of the unborn child: the epidermis thickens, and a pattern appears in the form of lines on the feet and palms.

The sebaceous glands begin to produce a secret similar to wax, which is usually called the original grease. It is she who facilitates the movement of the fetus through the birth canal and reduces friction. In addition, it reduces the impact on the baby's body of amniotic fluid.

The heart at this time actively functions and is reduced about 150 times per minute.

What changes can a pregnant woman take at 5 months?

By this time, the uterus, more precisely its bottom, reaches the level of the navel and continues to rise. This fact can lead to violations of the digestive process, the appearance of heartburn.

Also, many pregnant women at this time mark an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge. This condition is explained, first of all, by an increase in the number of blood vessels in the pelvic area and a significant inflow of blood. Normally, the secretions have a clear, whitish or yellowish hue. If it changes and there is an itching, burning, soreness, it is necessary to inform the doctor.

In general, 5 months of pregnancy is calm, without any violations. By this time the woman is completely accustomed to her position, her emotional state is balanced.