Wine during pregnancy

The period of expectation of the baby imposes certain restrictions on the way of life of the future mother. Including this applies to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Meanwhile, some women can be very difficult to stay away from alcohol and, in particular, wine for a long 9 months, because sometimes you want to at least sip during a holiday.

In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to drink red and white wine during pregnancy, and how much it is better to limit it.

What kind of wine can you drink for pregnant women, and in what quantities?

Of course, from the use of any alcoholic beverages in the period of waiting for the baby is better to give up. Nevertheless, a good wine has some properties that can be useful during pregnancy. So, red wine improves the process of hematopoiesis and helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood of the future mother.

White wine, in turn, contains many vitamins, minerals, essential oils, as well as antioxidants. It normalizes the activity of the digestive system, activates the metabolism of carbohydrates and has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain, if it is used in reasonable quantities.

Given these useful properties of wine, we can conclude that to take a few sips of this drink during the holiday is not at all dangerous. At the same time, do not forget that any wine, including non-alcoholic, during pregnancy can cause a severe allergic reaction associated with the individual intolerance of its components.

It should be noted that non-alcoholic wine is not inherently such. It also contains alcohol, the percentage of which reaches its possible minimum - 0.5%. This means that you should not abuse this drink, because a significant amount of it can harm the baby.

Of course, every future mother should decide for herself whether it is possible to drink a glass of wine during pregnancy. If it is an expensive beverage of a well-known manufacturer, it is most likely that there will be no serious harm from one glass, of course, if you do not abuse this method of relaxation, and use it as an exception. In any case, all women should be very careful with the use of alcohol, especially if the pregnancy does not go very well.