Herpetic stomatitis

Inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by the herpes virus, herpetic stomatitis, can occur at any age. But here the herpetic stomatitis in adults is more painful and prolonged due to the fact that with age in the oral cavity there are negative changes - caries are formed, gingival pockets change, mucous membrane is injured.

The causes of herpetic stomatitis

For the first time acute herpetic stomatitis occurs as a result of infection of a person with direct contact with a patient or airborne droplet. An aggravating factor is the weakening of immunity. The incubation period ranges from several days to 3 weeks. In addition to the oral cavity, the virus affects the skin, genitalia and eye mucosa.

Herpes remains in the body for life and periodically under the influence of unfavorable factors the number of viruses increases at times. Chronic herpetic stomatitis can occur with a frequency of several years in a mild form, and up to 2-4 times a year for moderate and severe forms of the disease.

Symptoms of herpetic stomatitis

At the onset of the disease, body temperature may slightly increase. In consequence, swelling, redness and pimples appear on the inner surfaces of the cheeks, gums, palate and lips. At the same time you feel unpleasant itching, burning and even pain. After a day, bubbles with liquid contents are formed on the affected areas, which ripen after 3 to 5 days, burst and gradually ulcerate.

With medium and severe forms of stomatitis, a high fever (up to 39 degrees) and other signs of an acute infectious disease can be observed, as well as abundant bubble rashes. Due to necrosis of significant areas of the epidermis, a putrid odor from the mouth is noted.

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis

The effectiveness of treatment of acute herpetic stomatitis will be higher if therapy is initiated when the first signs of the disease manifest. There are general and local medicamental therapies.

For local treatment apply:

To treat the affected elements on the skin using aniline paints (fukortsin, diamond greens).

In the treatment of herpetic stomatitis in adults for internal reception are appointed:

In order to activate the body's defenses, vitamin preparations are taken, primarily ascorbic acid.

In many ways, the acceleration of the processes of recovery and restoration of the integrity of the mucous membrane is promoted by abundant drinking and mashed food, cooked or cooked in a steam way.

Prevention of herpetic stomatitis

Prevent the recurrence of manifestations of chronic herpetic stomatitis help preventive measures, which include:

A caring attitude to one's health is the main condition of protection from herpetic stomatitis.