Acne on the face - reasons for the zones

Skin eruptions on the face, as a rule, are concentrated in one or several zones. It is established that internal organs are projected onto a certain facial area, and acne spots on the face signal that a pathological process is taking place in one or another organ. The reasons for the appearance of acne on the zones on the face will be considered in detail.

Areas on the face responsible for internal organs

Acne on the forehead

The appearance of acne in the frontal area of ​​the person responsible for the digestive organs means that a person eats unbalanced, disrupts the eating regime and consumes many sweets, fatty foods, and sugar-containing carbonated drinks. Also, rashes on the forehead may appear when taking certain medications, in the first place, antibiotics and hormones. To determine exactly which of the organs of the digestive system is sick, the location of the acne on the forehead should be differentiated. If the rash is localized on the brow patches, it means that there are problems with the intestines, acne in the central frontal part warns of the development of stomach or pancreas diseases, rashes along the hair line mean that the gallbladder is not functioning properly.

Acne on the nose

The nose is a reflection of the liver. Fat food and alcohol are the main enemies of the hematopoietic depot of the body, and when acne appears in this area, they must be removed from the diet.

Acne on the nose

Acne in the nose area is often a problem of adolescence, its appearance is associated with hormonal changes occurring in a young organism. In adults, pimples on the nose mean that cholesterol is high or there are disorders in the cardiovascular system. Sometimes acne and black spots on the nose are the result of using unsuitable cosmetic products and neglecting the hygienic rules for skin care.

Acne in the eye of the eye

Around-eye zone is associated with the excretory system, so rashes around the eyes, as well as dark circles under the eyes - signs of kidney disease.

Pimples on the cheeks

Cheeks - the area of ​​the person responsible for the respiratory system. Skin rashes in the cheek area are often observed in heavy smokers and allergies. When pimples on the cheeks, it is recommended to eat more raw and boiled vegetables.

Pimples on the chin

Eruptions on the chin usually signal about endocrine disorders, pathologies of the digestive system and a decrease in immunity. To cleanse the body of toxins, it is recommended to drink phyto-tea. The appearance of pimples in the chin zone in women sometimes indicates an excess of male sex hormones, so a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Acne in the mouth

Stressful situations - the main reason for the formation of acne in the mouth. In addition, pimples in the area of ​​the lips can warn of changes in the hormonal background and dysfunction of the intestine.