What do dreams mean?

Each science gives a different definition of this phenomenon, like a dream. But so far not all of its aspects have been studied. So, let's try to figure out what are themselves and mean dreams.

From the point of view of psychology, sleep should not be taken as a fact. That is, what you dreamed about does not mean the repetition of this event in exactly the smallest detail in reality. The interpretation of the signs that our unconscious sends during dreams can be deciphered with the help of certain symbols.

If we talk about sleep from the position of physiology, then this is nothing more than a process, states from stages that have a regularity to repeat with a certain break. So, two main phases are distinguished:

These phases alternate in this way: the stage of slow sleep lasts 1.5 hours, after which the time of rapid dream comes (about 10-15 minutes). Then again the phase of slow sleep and so on until the awakening of the sleeper. People remember their dreams only when they wake up in the period of a fast dream. Let us consider in more detail the interpretation of the most common images that appear in a dream.

What does a dream about pregnancy mean?

  1. Even if this dream has dreamed a man, do not be afraid, because it is a symbol of that you are ready to give life to a new idea, emotions, feelings. Pregnancy in the dream says that in the life of the sleeper will soon come good changes, perhaps a new creative project will appear.
  2. If such a dream is the one that bears under the heart of the baby, rest assured, I'll pass the birth as never before, safely and with the strength you can restore in the shortest possible time.
  3. In the case when a pregnancy sign is seen by a married woman, it symbolizes the birth of twins.
  4. From the psychological point of view, if you have recently been overcome with thoughts of conception, remember that in this way the unconscious takes out all your experiences, thoughts.

What does the snake's phenomenon mean in a dream?

  1. The snake has long been a symbol of medicine, healing. So, if we consider this image from the position of Hinduism, then it speaks of spiritual healing, awakening.
  2. But it is worth remembering the original sin of Adam and Eve, then the serpentine appearance is already seen as a temptation in your life. Ask the question, was not there a temptation? Did not you resort to trying to seduce someone? Or, on the contrary, did someone try to charm you with his charm?

What does a kiss mean in a dream?

  1. Kissing someone who is unpleasant to you, it is important to regard this as a bad sign, foreshadowing the hypocrisy of someone who aspires to seem your friend.
  2. If you see how your second half passionately, lovingly caresses your lips, rest assured, he is betrayed to you even in a world of dreams and all intentions towards you are pure.
  3. When you saw the kissing children, you can be happy, because in your family there will come a happy reconciliation, and in the work - a complete satisfaction.

What does it mean to cry in a dream?

  1. Tears of bitterness in dreams are necessarily forerunners of speedy joy and carelessness in real life.
  2. If you hear cry, smile, because happiness will soon knock at the house of your relatives and friends. It is with them that you share it.
  3. Weeping with a couple is a sure sign of celebrating something.

What does it mean to fly in a dream?

The dream in which you fly, like a bird, is always a symbol of your desire for freedom, moving forward. You always try to solve life's problems, but only by avoiding them into the world of illusion. Do not want to accept some facts as they really are.

Remember that it is recommended that all images in dreams be assessed as a single whole, as a system making up a dream.