Chickenpox in infants

Such a disease, like chickenpox (in the people "chickenpox"), is known to almost every mother. In most cases, children of an early age (1-5 years) are exposed to it. After the transferred disease in the body, life-long immunity is produced, i.e. You can get chickenpox only once.

Usually doctors separately consider such phenomenon, as a chicken pox at grudnichkov. The thing is that this is quite rare and probably not always. Let's take a closer look at this issue and talk about whether any babe can get chickenpox, and when the disease occurs in toddlers.

Whether there is a chicken pox at grudnichkov?

To develop such an infectious disease, simultaneous presence of several factors is necessary.

So if the baby is not yet 3 months old, and his mother in his childhood had chickenpox, then the baby will not catch it, even if it is in contact with the patient. The innate immunity, which the infant receives from the mother, lasts for the first 6 months of his life, and then disappears.

At the age of 1 year, chicken pox is very dangerous for young children and is difficult to tolerate. The thing is that the immune system in infants is far from perfect in its development. If the mother did not transmit the antibodies present in her body (formed after the disease), the baby has every chance of developing chickenpox.

What are the symptoms of chicken pox in infants?

If we talk about how the chickenpox manifests in infants, then everything depends on the age, the presence of antibodies, and also on the type of feeding. This disease can occur, both in mild and in severe form.

So, with a mild form of the disease occurs without a rise in temperature, and the density of existing rashes is small. In severe forms, papules cover not only the baby's skin, but also mucous membranes: blisters can be seen in the mouth, on the eyelids and genitals of the baby.

Treatment of chickenpox

The process of treating chicken pox in infants largely depends on the symptoms and their severity. In general, the therapeutic process is symptomatic: taking antipyretics, treatment of rashes with antiseptics (brilliant green, fucorcin), copious drinking and bed rest. Contact with the child to persons who have not had chickenpox in the past is strictly prohibited.