Rhinitis in the newborn

Every parent is very sensitive to his children. Particular care should be taken to monitor the health of the newly born baby. After all, he has a difficult way to adapt to the outside world. And the parents are called upon to provide the best living conditions for the baby. However, it may happen that the mother notices her little child's runny nose and begins to worry: after all, the kid does not know how to blow his nose, and the clogged nose creates difficulties for the realization of full-fledged feeding. Also, the baby may have a sleep disorder.

Rhinitis in the newborn: reasons

The most common cold in a child during the newborn period can be viral, much less often - be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to an external stimulus.

It should be remembered that a newborn child may have a physiological runny nose due to imperfections in the nasal mucosa that lasts up to 10 weeks of life outside the mother's body. This runny nose does not require treatment and goes by itself. Parents are only important to ensure coolness in the room and the optimum level of humidity, and also wipe the nose with cotton wisp.

The following reasons are also possible:

How to identify a common cold in a newborn?

If a newborn child has a severe runny nose and fever, and also a cough, then the parents ask themselves what to do.

If the runny nose in the child has just begun, you can alleviate his condition with drops of saline until he visits the doctor. However, with any degree of manifestation of the common cold, you should consult a pediatrician.

Allergic rhinitis in newborns

If a cold in a newborn child does not last for a long time, it is likely that it is allergic, and in addition to the pediatrician, parents and the baby should also visit the ENT specialist to assess the state of the respiratory system and choose the most suitable and sparing complex treatment. In addition to a thorough examination by a specialized specialist, it is possible to appoint additional procedures:

Rhinitis in the newborn: treatment

Since snot is a protective reaction of the body to a viral infection, the main task facing the parents of the baby is to ensure sufficient humidity of the air, as in dry and hot air in the nursery the nose mucosa becomes excessively dry, which aggravates the situation. Parents should maintain the optimal temperature level in the room of a newborn (22 degrees), often air, humidify the air with a special device - a humidifier.

In addition, it is necessary to moisten and nasal mucosa, for example, to instill drops with sea water (aquamaris) or a solution of chamomile. It is a mistake that the instillation into the spout of breast milk can cure the child of all diseases. It is necessary to refrain from such manipulations, since instillation of milk in the nose forms a nutritious environment for the development of harmful bacteria.

The risk of developing a cold in a newborn baby is that the baby can not eat properly because of the stuffy nose. As a result, there are strong weight loss, which are undesirable in childhood. Since the nasal cavity of an infant is less than that of an adult, the runny nose appears faster and stronger. In spite of the fact that in itself the runny nose serves as a protective barrier against infections and viruses, its presence for a long time requires intervention from a pediatrician and an otolaryngologist.