Cantarine for dogs

In domestic dogs, kidney disease occurs quite often. For their complex treatment, in addition to basic treatments, homeopathic preparations are also used, among which there is Cantaren for dogs.

The composition of Cantarena includes such drugs as alkaloids, such as berberine, columbamine, ricin, palmitin, oxyocontin and others. Thanks to this natural composition, Cantaren's medicine, expanding the urinary tract, promotes the release of small stones and sand, prevents the formation of salts in the body of the animal. In addition, Kantaren for dogs has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, restores the work of the kidneys and helps restore the immunity of the dog.

The use of cantharene is indicated in degenerative processes in the urinary tract and inflammation of the kidneys: urethritis, cystitis , urolithiasis , nephroses, nephritis, etc.

Kantaren - dosage and method of application

Kantaren is applied at the rate of 0.1 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. In acute conditions, in the case of severe pain during urination or the appearance of blood in the urine, the drug is administered as injections subcutaneously twice daily for 3-5 days. In the form of tablets - twice a day for 3-5 days. If the disease is chronic and there are frequent relapses, it is recommended to use Cantaren for a longer period: 2-3 weeks, applying it up to three times a week.

To prevent seasonal exacerbations of urinary tract diseases in dogs, injections or tablets should be taken every day by a course of two weeks twice a year.

There are no side effects and contraindications for Cantharen for dogs. It is allowed to apply the drug to dogs of any age, including newborn puppies, as well as to pregnant and lactating females. However, using Cantaren to treat dogs is only permissible after consultation with a veterinarian.