Diuretic tablets - list

Diuretics (diuretics) contribute to the removal of fluid from the tissues and to adjust the water-salt balance of the body. The list of diuretic tablets used for edema is impressive, but it should be noted that diuretics of a certain class are recommended for various diseases. The same diuretic medicine for some diseases is almost safe, in other cases it can be a serious threat to health.

List of diuretics in hypertension

Diuretics help with hypertension to lower blood pressure, relieving the body of excess fluid and salt. Medical statistics show that the use of diuretics reduces the incidence of complications in people suffering from hypertension:

The list of diuretic tablets used for pressure includes drugs that belong to different groups.

Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics

These preparpatites, although not considered to be the most effective for removing salt and water, but significantly lower blood pressure. To this group of drugs are:

Most often, patients with hypertension are shown exactly thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics.

Loop diuretics

The group of so-called loop diuretic includes drugs that affect the process of kidney filtration. These drugs significantly increase the excretion of salt and liquid, but they have serious side effects. As a rule, loop diuretics are prescribed in a critical situation - with hypertensive crisis. To this group belong:

Potassium-sparing drugs-diuretics

These drugs reduce the release of potassium and slightly increase the release of sodium, chloride. Relating to the group of potassium-sparing tablets in the treatment of hypertension are used only in combination with other diuretics to enhance their action and in order to avoid excessive leaching of potassium from the body. Potassium-sparing drugs include:

Aldosterone antagonists

This group includes drugs that block the action of aldosterone - a hormone that keeps the fluid and salt in the tissues. When neutralizing the designated hormone with urine, more salt and water are released, but the content of potassium in the body does not decrease. Veroshpiron belongs to the group.

List of diuretics for face and eye swelling

The swelling of the face or eye area is the cause of dissatisfaction with your appearance for any woman. But if swelling occurs quite often, you should think about your health and undergo a medical examination to identify the disease, the root cause of negative changes in appearance. If the swelling on the face - a one-time phenomenon caused by lack of sleep, excessive amounts of liquid consumed from the evening, etc., you can drink diuretic tablets of the last generation, which have a minimum number of side effects:

In addition, it should be taken into account that it is more safe to use plant diuretics based on:

Attention! Uncontrolled use of diuretics, for example, for weight loss, has an adverse effect on health. Severe violations of the water-electrolyte balance can lead to death.