Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg - treatment

Periostitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the periosteum of the shin. The process also affects the tissues of the bone itself. Consider ways to treat this ailment.

Causes of inflammation of the periosteum

The development of periostitis is caused by injuries - bruises, tendon ruptures, fractures and wounds.

Sometimes the inflammation passes to the periosteum from other foci due to the development of the rheumatic or allergic process. Even less often the inflammation of the periosteum of the shin is a consequence of poisoning with toxins that are released in certain specific diseases.

In the form of perforation distinguish between acute and chronic periostitis, and for etiology inflammation of the periosteum on the legs is classified into:

Therapy with periostitis

If there is acute inflammation of the periosteum of the shin, conservative treatment gives a good result in the case when pus did not have time to accumulate. The patient shows rest, the leg should be immobilized. The cold compress is applied to the sore spot, painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken.

When the patient's condition improves, prescribe sparing gymnastics, UHF procedures, therapeutic massage.

Purulent inflammation of the periosteum of the foot requires treatment by operational methods. The surgeon makes a cut, treats the focus with disinfectants, and installs drainage, through which pus will be removed.

In the fight against chronic periostitis, Novocain blockades are made.

Treatment of inflammation of the periosteum with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers several ways to relieve pain with periostitis.

It is believed that a good soothing effect gives a decoction of lemon balm :

  1. To make it, you need 400 g of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials.
  2. The drug is insisted for about 4 hours.
  3. It is better to use it in the cooled form for applying compress.

Folk healers offer to fight with inflammation with the help of soda - from it prepare a solution (2 tablespoons per 250 ml), which moistens the bandage before applying to the shin.

The described methods should be agreed with the doctor. The fact is that traditional medicine does not recommend any irritation to the inflamed leg, and if it is a purulent periostitis, then an ideal sterility is shown, and folk remedies will only harm.