Gases in the intestines - causes and treatment

The formation of excessive amounts of gases in the intestines delivers both physical and psychological discomfort. Feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in the abdomen, rumbling, bloating, nausea - is not a complete list of unpleasant symptoms that accompany this phenomenon. And to get rid of it and prevent it in the future, it is important before the treatment to find out the causes of the formation of gases in the intestine.

Causes of the appearance of gases in the intestine

Normally, healthy, properly eating people every day through the rectum comes up to about 600 ml of gas. If this amount significantly exceeds the norm, and the emission of gases is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, they speak of excessive gas production. The main causal factors of excessive accumulation of gases are:

1. Excessive ingestion of air, which can occur when:

2. The use of a large number of products containing coarse fiber and causing fermentation processes, namely:

3. Disturbance of the composition of the intestinal microbiocenosis - in the absence of lacto- and bifidobacteria, fermentation and decay of food masses in the intestine is intensified.

4. Poor digestion of food associated with:

5. Disorders of intestinal motility, caused by:

6. Mechanical obstacles in the intestine in the form of:

How to get rid of gases in the intestines?

Having carried out the necessary diagnostics and finding out the reasons for the large accumulation of gases in the intestine, the specialist can recommend how to get rid of the problem, what treatment is required for this. Because nevertheless, in most cases, the causes of swelling of the intestine and excess of gases are associated with the peculiarities of nutrition, treatment is required to begin with a review of the diet and diet. In this connection, one should adhere to such rules:

  1. Take food in a relaxed atmosphere, slowly, chewing well.
  2. Portions should be small.
  3. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude gas-producing products, carbonated drinks.
  4. Eliminate the simultaneous intake of protein and starchy foods (for example, potatoes with meat).
  5. Fruits and desserts should be consumed two hours after meals to avoid fermentation.
  6. To include in the daily diet products that improve bowel motility: buckwheat porridge, wheat cereal, yesterday's bread from wholemeal, baked or boiled vegetables and fruits.

In the detection of diseases of the digestive system, in the first place, these pathologies should be treated. From medicamental agents, the following may be prescribed:

Folk remedies for increased gassing in the intestine

Regardless of the reasons, the main treatment of excess gases in the intestine and swelling can be supplemented with folk methods. Here are a couple of simple proven recipes.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Pour the seeds with boiling water and insist for three hours. Take in three meals before meals.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Pour the raw material with boiling water and boil over low heat for about five minutes. Drink a decoction instead of tea.