Apple Cider - recipe

What is cider? Cider is a low-alcoholic natural apple drink. It not only perfectly quenches thirst, but is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Some nutritionists strongly recommend that their patients take a glass of this miracle drink before eating - it helps to break down fats that enter the body with food. Also apple cider is widely used in cosmetology. Baths with the addition of this fruit nectar, make the skin more velvety and tender.

The recipe for cooking apple cider is one of the oldest, it was able to cook even in ancient Egypt. He was also popular in England and Europe. To date, apple wine in many countries is considered a national drink. How to cook apple cider?

To create this drink you can use any kind of apples, except for very hard and green. Try to prepare this delicious drink at home and be completely calm for the quality of the apple cider obtained. Let's look at a few recipes for making apple cider.

Cider recipe from fresh apples

Immediately before preparing apple cider from juice, take apples, wash, inspect, cut wormy places, remove peduncles, and if suddenly the apples are rotten, then carefully trim these places, otherwise the wine will become cloudy.



Cut the apples into pieces and pass through the meat grinder. The resulting apple puree, without squeezing, is transferred to a bowl or a bottle with a wide neck. Add the sugar and mix well. We cover the top of the container with gauze, fix it and put it in a warm place. After about 2-3 days, apple cake will surface and the juice will remain below. Carefully filter our drink, squeeze well and squeeze the cake. In the resulting apple juice add sugar in a proportion of 1:10, that is, 1 liter of juice, 100 grams of sugar. We pour the mixture into the bottle and close the lid with the hole in it. In the hole we insert a tube, so that the air that formed could exit, and the other end is lowered into a jar of water. We remove this design for 15 - 20 days in a dark place, so that the drink is good. When the period is over, pour the resulting juice into bottles or jars and close tightly.

Cider Recipe of Fresh and Dried Apples



We process apples, cut off all rotten and wormy places. We take a jar or barrel with a hole for the bushing. The diameter of the hole should be about 10-15 cm. Put on the bottom of the container first a little dried apples, then cut fresh. Apples should fill the barrel slightly more than half. Fill apples with boiled cold water, cork and set for 20 - 25 days in a dark place for fermentation. At the end of time, drain the ready cider, and pour the apples again with boiled water. So you can repeat 3-4 times until all the apples are soaked. Prepared in this way, apple cider is very acidic, so before using add sugar to it to taste. You can also add a little soda, then you will get a natural fizzy drink. Soaked apples, too, are very delicious.

Recipe for non-alcoholic cider from apple juice



We take a saucepan and mix it with apple juice, honey, cloves and cinnamon. We put on an average fire and bring to a boil. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. We take off and give the drink to stand and cool slightly. Filter through a sieve or gauze to get rid of added spices. Before serving, my orange, cut into thin rings and spread to the bottom of each cup. We pour out the ready cider from the apple juice and immediately serve it to the table.