Sunburn of the face

During the period of sun activity, that is, at the end of spring and in summer, one can get a sunburn of the face that provokes swelling, redness, pain, and later also peeling of the upper layer of the epithelium.

Any person leading an active lifestyle or planning a vacation in countries located in the tropical zone is very important to know what to do if a sunburn is received, because the skin in this place is the most tender and sensitive, so not all the means of after-burn therapy are allowed to use and it is possible to provoke the premature formation of wrinkles.

Treatment of sunburn on the face

Immediately you will not notice that you received a burn, all the symptoms will start to appear only after a few hours. Therefore, it is necessary to act immediately, so that the deep layers of the skin are not affected. The whole process of treatment for sunburn consists of such steps:

1 step - cooling

You can do:

Change compresses and lotions should be frequent, as they warm up.

2 step - moisturizing and treatment

Well help:

To remove redness and swelling, you can drink antihistamines.

Step 3 - Anesthesia and a drop in temperature

Will help:

Step 4 - food

For the face, it is especially important to have additional nutrition after the removal of the burn symptoms. This can be done with the help of masks from such natural products:

But do not apply to this purpose fatty creams, this will only worsen the skin condition.

To avoid having to take advantage of the proposed treatment for sunburn of a person, one should deal with their prevention. Prophylaxis will be as follows:

  1. Avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays on the face. This can be done with the help of headgear or under the canopies.
  2. Before going out to the street, apply protective sunscreen on the skin.
  3. Gradually increase the time spent in the open sun.