Dull pain in the right hypochondrium

Quite often doctors have to hear complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium. In this part of the body are internal organs such as the liver, gall bladder, duodenum, small intestine, diaphragm. Behind is the tail of the pancreas and the kidney.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is often symptoms of injuries and diseases of the above organs. In this case, the nature, frequency and intensity of pain sensations depend on the features of the pathological process and its exact localization. Sometimes dull pain in the right hypochondrium occurs with pathologies of organs located in other departments. In this case, the pain sensations spread along the nerve fibers.

Diseases accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium

Most often, when pain occurs under the right rib, appendicitis is primarily suspected, and this diagnosis is not withdrawn until other causes are identified.

Pain in the right hypochondrium of a different nature occurs with the following diseases:

Dull pain in the hypochondrium on the right is characteristic of chronic inflammation of the gallbladder or bile ducts. She may be accompanied by nausea after eating, and sometimes - yellowing of sclera and skin.

The cause of severe pain in the right upper quadrant may be acute hepatitis - an inflammatory process in the liver of an infectious nature or caused by alcohol poisoning, drugs, chemicals. This disease is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the general condition, fever, jaundice.

Pain in the right hypochondrium of the surrounding nature appears usually with chronic pancreatitis. This disease is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general malaise.

Night pains in the right upper quadrant may indicate a duodenal ulcer. With this disease, unpleasant sensations also appear immediately after eating and on an empty stomach, they are accompanied by nausea, eructation, flatulence, bloody vomiting. Intense cutting pain can indicate the perforation of an ulcer that requires immediate relief.

Also, sharp nocturnal pains of such localization can be observed in diseases of the liver and cholelithiasis. Sometimes they are of a paroxysmal nature and render into the right shoulder, shoulder blade, neck.

Diseases of the gallbladder often cause the appearance of acute pain in the right hypochondrium. With an excess of bile, which is stored in the gallbladder, it enters the duodenum, which gives rise to pain.

Aching pain in the right hypochondrium can appear with dyskinesia of the bile ducts - a complex disorder of the biliary system that results from a malfunction of its motor function.

Pain in the right upper quadrant behind is typical for inflammation of the kidney, urolithiasis, pancreatitis, osteochondrosis.

Pain in the right upper quadrant - treatment

If there is a sharp severe pain under the right rib, as well as pain lasting more than an hour and accompanied by other anxiety symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

To put the exact diagnosis at pains in right hypochondrium the expert can only. Start the examination with a therapist who, if necessary, will give directions for an additional examination to another specialist.

After establishing the cause of the pain, appropriate treatment with conservative or surgical methods will be prescribed.