Inflammation of the duodenum - symptoms and treatment

Problems with the functioning of the digestive system do not always manifest immediately. Some diseases can only occur after many years. Chronic duodenitis refers to this category of diseases - signs of the inflammatory process do not appear to all. Let's talk about how to recognize the inflammation of the duodenum, because the symptoms and treatment are closely interrelated.

The main signs of inflammation of the duodenum

To date, there is an extensive classification of types of duodenitis, based on the location of the inflammation, its area, the nature of the course of the disease and its origin. The most common is chronic inflammation of the duodenal mucosa, which is asymptomatic. Acute and secondary duodenitis can be manifested by certain signs:

How to treat inflammation of the duodenum?

Diet with inflammation of the duodenum plays a primary role. With its help, if you can not cure the disease, then significantly improve the prognosis. Here are the basic rules of nutrition for any kind of duodenitis:

  1. All food should be pasty, or liquid.
  2. The temperature of food varies from room to 30-35 degrees.
  3. Salt and spices are not used.
  4. Method of cooking - boiling, steaming.
  5. Fruits and vegetables are strictly grinded after heat treatment.
  6. Sweet, floury, fried, smoked - to exclude.

Such a diet plan usually adhere to 10-20 days, then you can go on a less strict diet. In secondary duodenitis associated with the work of the liver and gallstone, table №5, or №5п with pancreatitis is shown. Table 1 and 1b are suitable for patients with peptic ulcer disease. With reduced acidity of gastric juice, diet No. 2 is recommended.

For medicinal treatment of inflammation of the duodenum, generic drugs are used along with drugs that relieve symptoms. The first category includes:

The nature of therapy is selected in each case individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.