
The megalomania is not a disease, but a mental disorder, a kind of human consciousness, an evaluation of oneself. It expresses itself in wealth, reassessing the importance of one's personality, fame, popularity of reputation, power and influence over others. For a person suffering from this disorder, like air, one must feel that they are all admired, valued and loved. "Narcissism", of course, can, in rare cases, grow into something serious, at the same disease, for example. Everything depends on how powerful changes occur in the head of such a person. Simple boasting can turn into a serious mental illness. Schizophrenia and megalomania are very interrelated. The more developed the latter, the more likely that the patient will have an initial stage of the first. It's not a secret for anyone that this is dangerous for a braggart as well as for a society. For example, in the United States there was a case when the director of a computer company imagined himself to be one of the most influential people in the country and began to fire all subordinates who doubted it. Eventually, the firm went bankrupt, the chief and 24 remaining subordinates were placed in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (some of the employees claimed to receive a signal from space, and some - that they were destined to save the world).

Consider what kind of delusions of grandeur bears the symptoms. Experts argue that the manifestation of "stellar illness" can be calculated independently.

So, for a person with megalomania characterized by a changeable mood, which can change for one day and the mood is constantly suspicious.

Increased loquacity, activity, self-esteem, sexual energy, sexual energy, no need for sleep - this complex and speaks of the presence of megalomania.

It is believed that megalomania is an inferiority complex that is only hidden under the crown of greatness, and psychology explains this by the fact that a person seeks to hide or some shortcomings in his appearance, or lack of attention in childhood, etc. by the desire to be above the rest in study, career.

How to get rid of megalomania?

First, try to figure out whether you really suffer from this ailment, how often you hear such comments from people you trust.

Work on improving self-esteem. Of course, if you speak frankly, you need to contact a psychologist because the causes of this mental disorder usually hide the fissure that originated in your child's period. Or chat with a person close to you. Listen to it, let it tell you in what situations you are kicking a stick and doing it yourself the center of the universe. Listen to his advice.

Remind yourself that all people have shortcomings, just like you. Less criticize, but more admire. Look for the positive side of what you have, see every day. If you also try not to put too high demands on yourself and others, which means, delusions of grandeur will remain for you in the past. Accept yourself with all the shortcomings and virtues, love yourself the way nature created you.

It is worth noting that people with megalomania are not mentally ill, they just sometimes need to be given the opportunity to speak out, ignoring their criticism