Somatoform disorders

No one is immune from life's failures, troubles. Based on this, people can be conditionally divided into two categories: those who successfully, easily copes with their experiences and those who launch liberation from the clutches of discouragement. As a result, there may be violations that are on the border of bodily and mental disorders, called somatoform.

At first, neurotic disorders can occur under the guise of bodily ailments. No matter what, there is vegetative-vascular dystonia, dyskinesia of the bile ducts or neurosis of the stomach. It is worth noting that these diagnoses often indicate the presence of the disorders in question.

Symptoms of somatoform disorder

The essence of this disorder is the dysfunction of the internal organs, accompanied by tension. Worst of all, sometimes a person gets used to the latter, taking a stressful state for routine.

Common symptoms for both somatoform autonomic dysfunction, as well as neurosis of the heart, stomach or irritable bowel syndrome is that pain sensations appear in the chest, heart area. At the same time, blood pressure indicators "jump". Periodically, there is a feeling of lack of fresh air, often dizzy, heart rate increases. Do not exclude attacks of suffocation.

As for psychological health, there are depressive conditions, increased anxiety. The person becomes a hypochondriac, a person who is wary of his own health and at the slightest pain is ready to fly to a doctor for advice.

Not surprisingly, despite numerous medical examinations, doctors will not be able to say anything sensible. In this situation the help of the therapist is appropriate.

Somatoform dysfunction

Often there is somatoform disruption of the functioning of the vegetative system (respiratory, cardiovascular). There may be flatulence, stress . The most interesting thing is that in this case, any physical load can only facilitate, rather than exacerbate a person's condition.

Often, the intensity of manifestations of somatoform disorders depends on the severity of the stressful situation. They are independent of the weather outside the window or physical activity.

With regard to treatment, then, in the first place, therapy includes the use of antidepressants, neuroleptics.