
Each of us has certain domestic routine tasks that have to be performed on a daily basis. Make a weekly menu, prepare food, clean, wash, etc. Sometimes they take time, which you could dispose of differently. To at the end of the week for a long time do not deal with raking garbage in the apartment, you need to make a plan for household chores and perform it daily in small portions. This will release the weekend for more important activities.

A person has periods when he is most active and overwhelmed with energy. The level of motivation can also vary throughout the day. Therefore, everyone, knowing himself, can choose a convenient time when doing household chores.

Male and female household chores

Always there was a rhetorical question - who and what should do around the house. Nobody could explain on what basis the distribution is going on for male and female household chores. In the past, it was women's duty to raise children and maintain order in the house, but nowadays women began to go to work and contribute to the family budget. Times change, so women try to do everything doubly, raise children, clean, cook, please the husband, and even so that the career was not worse than him. Unfortunately, today there are few families in which the husband can fully provide for the family, and the woman also has to look for a way to earn money. Sometimes it happens much more than her husband's, but at the same time all the duties of the house remain purely on her.

So what if the spouse has already managed to write down everything that is possible in her list of women's domestic affairs? First, ask your husband to help around the house, because many men are capable of this, just do not want to take the initiative. More often contact him for help and gradually some of the things will become men's household chores. Do not skimp on the words of praise, awaken your husband and children's desire to help you. You can not make a list of men's household chores, since the man himself knows that, for example, fixing the tap is his work.

When a woman reigns in the house and all the chores are done, she feels more confident and free. Although, often it's the other way around. But consistent and clear actions will help you not only to manage everything, but also to enjoy the work done.

How to organize household chores?

  1. Plan everything in the evening. Make before bedtime schedule of household chores for tomorrow, to understand where to start in the morning. Just consider how much free time you have, so you do not have to worry about anything later.
  2. Do all as necessary. If something does not need urgent implementation, postpone and proceed to urgent matters.
  3. Often, women pull everything on themselves, forgetting that there are children and a husband. Distribute duties with them. Of course, the child will not be able to cook dinner for the family, but can wash the dishes after eating.
  4. Do not try to do everything at once. Of course, there are cases that can be combined, but concentrate on their implementation, so that later you do not spend more time allotted because of your inattention.
  5. Seriously do the basic household chores and do not demand the impossible. Any landlady has things to which the hands do not always get.
  6. Have a rest. Short breaks will help restore strength, so drink tea, then you can do much more.

Homeliness reigns when family affairs are not divided into "your" and "mine", but are mutual help for each other. It is necessary to understand that in the family all the common and permanent division into women's domestic affairs and men's, can lead to scandals and quarrels. Remember, everything you do is for a loved one. Support, help each other in the power of opportunity. After all, understanding is the key to happiness and success in family life!