10 reasons to have a pet

Psychologists have found that pets bring joy to their owners every day, help in reducing stress and even contribute to the cure of certain diseases. Owners of pets are much less likely to suffer from loneliness, less susceptible to depression and mental illness. According to statistics, in the territory of the former CIS countries pets can be found in every third family. Many owners of cats, dogs and other domestic living creatures refer to their pets as full members of the family.

In fact, there is a huge number of positive arguments about the benefits of communicating with pets. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The pet perfectly disciplined its masters. Because our younger brothers are completely dependent on us, they help to make a clear daily routine. Walking, feeding, cleaning animals - all these procedures need to be done every day at a certain time.
  2. Pets help to fight excess weight. Active walks and games with a cat or a dog is an excellent physical load, which also brings a lot of positive emotions. And the necessity of daily walks with a dog is an excellent occasion to finally take a morning jog.
  3. Pets help to strengthen the immunity of household members. According to the latest medical research, in families with pets, children are much less likely to suffer from asthma and allergies.
  4. Pets for many are a salvation from loneliness. Animals give their owners love and always find themselves near. A pet can be trusted with any secrets, not at all afraid that someone else will find out about them.
  5. A dog in the house helps his master or hostess make new acquaintances. Going on a daily walk with your pet, you can get acquainted with the same dogs. Even the most shy people easily find a lot of topics to talk with other dog lovers.
  6. The betrayed eyes of the pet and his sincere joy are able to cheer up even on the most unfortunate and hard day. For most people it is very important to come home from work and see how happy the pet is returning home.
  7. Pets help to resolve conflict situations in the family. Dogs of some breeds (for example, Sheppard) instantly interfere, as soon as they feel that the atmosphere between households is heating up.
  8. Animals become good friends for children. They teach children kindness, responsiveness, compassion and care. Children who from childhood communicate with animals, grow up more responsible people. Cats and dogs contribute to the treatment of autism in children.
  9. British scientists have established that the constant presence in the house of a cat increases the life expectancy of households by 10 years. Caring for a pet provides the people of old age with the necessary physical activity, which helps to improve overall well-being. In elderly people suffering from various chronic diseases, exacerbations occur much less frequently if they daily contact a pet.
  10. Dogs and cats help to relieve stress and nervous tension from its owner. Rolling on the knees or at the feet of his master, the pet expresses boundless devotion, which, in turn, allows you to distract from almost any problem.

Even those who believe that they will be burdened by cares about a pet, with his appearance in the house, change their opinion radically. Caring for a pet really does take time, but the positive emotions that a person receives from his pet make it easy to carry out these daily duties.