Macrolides - list

All representatives of the list of drugs-macrolides - antibacterial drugs. Their chemical structure is based on the macrocyclic lactone ring. Hence - the name of the group. They are used to control various types of bacteria. And thanks to the fact that these funds are quite effective, medicine uses them very actively.

In what cases are drugs of the macrolide group administered?

A great advantage of macrolides is that they are active against harmful Gram-positive cocci. Antibiotics of this group can easily cope with pneumococci, pyogenic streptococci, atypical mycobacteria. Among other things, they destroy:

Based on this list, the main indications for the use of macrolide preparations were made. Assign medicines to:

In some cases, macrolides are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention. So, for example, the course of these antibacterial drugs will help prevent whooping cough in those who have had contact with infected people. Antibiotics of this group are also prescribed for the sanation of patients who are carriers of meningococcus. And they can be a good prevention of rheumatism or endocarditis.

Names of drugs-antibiotics group of macrolides

Depending on how many carbon atoms are on the lactone ring, the drugs are divided into groups of 14-, 15- or 16-membered. In addition to the fact that these antibacterial medicines destroy pathogens, they also help to strengthen immunity and can eliminate not too actively progressing inflammatory processes.

The main antibiotics-macrolides include such drugs:

  1. Erythromycin should be taken before meals. Otherwise, its bioavailability will be significantly reduced. Despite the fact that it is a strong antibacterial drug, with the acute need to drink it is allowed even during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Spiramycin is active even against those bacteria that adapt to 14- and 15-membered macrolides. Its concentration in tissues is very high.
  3. The macrolide drug, called Clarithromycin , fights Helicobacter and atypical mycobacteria.
  4. Roxithromycin therapy is rather well tolerated by patients.
  5. Azithromycin is so strong that it should be taken once a day.
  6. The popularity of Josamycin is explained by its activity against the majority of resistant varieties of strepto- and staphylococci.

Virtually all macrolides from this list of drugs can be prescribed for bronchitis. In addition to these, to combat bacteria can be used: