How to teach a dog a command "voice"?

So, you have a little four-legged friend. You immediately ask questions about how often and how to feed, where to sleep, how to properly educate and train. And, of course, how to teach the dog the command "voice". Bark at the command or give a voice - this is one of the first skills (after "sitting", "lying", "to me", "place", "fu"), which need to train the dog.

If the dog has been trained by the command "voice", then it notifies its owner in the following cases:

By the way, not all dogs can be trained, especially hunting breeds. So do not torture your pet if it's hard for him to learn, because you can injure the dog's psyche and make it aggressive. In this case, it is better to consult a cynologist who knows how to teach a dog a voice command.

It is better to start training at the age of 5-6 months. Until then, learning is mediated, "by the way."

Before learning

Before you teach the dog the command "voice", watch it and find out what it is barking at. It is better to do this during the game, when you can determine what the puppy causes irritation and barking. It can be a piece of rags, skins, a small ball and, of course, a bowl for eating.

Choose a place for classes

It is better to train a dog on a special, preferably fenced area. You can choose a different place. The main thing is that no one distracts you, and you did not disturb anyone. Place for training should be located away from the road and be safe.

Methods of teaching

There are several ways how to teach a puppy to the command "voice":

  1. The dog is shown a treat or favorite toy and is teased until it bites. At the same time, you need to quickly and clearly pronounce the command "voice", and then be sure to encourage - give a treat, toy, praise and pat.
  2. They step on the end of the leash, and a toy or a piece of dainty is held high over the dog's head so that it can not reach. Once the dog bows, encourage it the same way as in the first method.
  3. For the next method of training a dog to the command "voice" you will need a learned dog. She is seated side by side and demonstratively encouraged, but so that your puppy sees it. If you repeat these actions several times, he will understand that for the execution of the team will also be encouraged and then give a vote.
  4. Finally, you can teach the dog to the team, if you notice when it barked. At this point, you need to say "voice", not forgetting about the promotion.

Learning process

So, you have chosen a place for training and decided how you will teach the dog the command "voice". Going to the class, be sure to take your favorite pet of your four-footed friend for encouragement - pieces of boiled meat, meat, cheese, croutons. Neatly with cookies and other sweets They can be given in very small pieces, as this is harmful to the dog. For training, you will need a collar, leash, as well as toys or other objects that the dog gives voice. Feed the puppy 3-4 hours before the start of the training.

The command "voice" should be given once, clearly and loudly, but without shouting; strict, but not malicious voice. Encourage the pet after each command. Duplicate the team with a wave of the hand - so you will teach the puppy to perform it not only by voice order, but also by gesture. If he has lost the mood to bark, finish the workout.

Repeat dog training team "voice" you need every day for 15-30 minutes, until she learns to clearly execute the team.

The main thing, do not be too demanding and show patience to your little four-footed friend!