MAO inhibitors

MAO inhibitors are biologically active substances that contribute to increased transmission of nerve impulses. The drugs are aimed at treating certain nervous disorders, depression, narcolepsy and Parkinson's disease .

MAO inhibitors - what does it concern them?

By their pharmacological properties, these drugs are divided into several types:

  1. Non-selective irreversible inhibitors, which are very similar in composition to iproniazides. They reduce the number of attacks of angina, and also lead a person out of depression.
  2. Selective reversible ones are aimed at suppressing deamination of noradrenaline and serotonin. These drugs have an antidepressant effect.
  3. Selective irreversible drugs are used to treat Parkinson's disease. They are directly involved in the metabolism of catecholamines and dopamine.

MAO inhibitors - list of drugs

Non-Selective Irreversible Drugs

  1. Ipronizade. A medicine that belongs to the group of antidepressants. It has an obvious hepatotoxic effect - it harms the human liver.
  2. Nialamide. This is an antidepressant. Fine powder of white color with a slight yellow tinge. It is poorly soluble in water, and in alcohol - even worse. The medicine is forbidden for people with liver, kidney, heart problems. It is also undesirable for use by people with impaired cerebral circulation.
  3. Isocarboxazide. It is often used to treat depression and narcolepsy. Like other medications the group can harm the liver, kidneys and heart.
  4. Fenelzin. It is taken to improve the overall condition. It is mainly used as an antidepressant.
  5. Tranylcypromine. This medicine is also designed to deal with depression. It is considered stimulating. In the active phase, the agent partially passes into amphetamine. Some patients may have a dependence on the stimulating effect.

List of selective reversible drugs-MAO inhibitors

  1. Bethol. It is considered an antidepressant. Has antireserpine action. The effect of potentiation of phenamine is provided.
  2. MacLobemide. A remedy that relates to antidepressants. Its composition is similar to befol, but it still has a difference in molecular structure. During the reception, dry mucous membranes, pain in the head, nausea, drowsiness, or vice versa may occur. In some cases constipation, stomach problems, muscle spasms and temporary visual impairment were observed. Patients with bipolar depression often had a phase change in mania.
  3. Pyrazidol. Its action is similar to the Inkazan and Tetrindol. It is an activating agent in people with apathetic depression. Has a sedative effect. Improves cognitive functions. It stands out among the others due to the possibility of regulating influence on the nervous system.
  4. Inkazan. He's also metralindol. It is considered an original preparation. It is used in the development of schizophrenia, manic psychosis or for the treatment of vascular diseases of the brain. It is indicated for adynamic and apathic depressions, inhibition, and conditions with poor hypochondriacal symptoms. It is often used to treat depressive conditions in patients with alcoholism.

What drugs are classified as selective irreversible MAO inhibitors?

  1. Selegiline. The drug, whose action is directed at the treatment of Parkinson's disease and derivatives of syndromes, caused by the lack of dopamine.
  2. Razagilin. This medicine belongs to a new generation of drugs. It fights symptomatic Parkinsonism, mainly with minor motor function impairments. It is often used with other drugs of the group.