Diseases of the gallbladder - symptoms and treatment

The gallbladder is a part of the digestive system that performs the function of collecting bile from the liver and regulating its excretion into the duodenum. Diseases of this body in frequency occupy the third place of all diseases of the digestive tract. Diseases of the gallbladder are diverse - the symptoms and treatment they differ in structure and other characteristics. But they have similarities in common.

Symptoms of gallbladder disease

There are several main signs of gallbladder disease - such symptoms manifest themselves regardless of the mechanism of development and treatment of the disease. These include:

  1. Painful sensations in the area of ​​hypochondrium - pain can be of varying intensity, usually they increase after eating. In the case of the release of the stone from the gallbladder, hepatic colic may occur - a severe paroxysmal pain.
  2. Aftertaste in the mouth - as a rule, there is a taste with bitter taste.
  3. Disorders of digestion - as bile enters the intestine in an incomplete volume, the process of digestion of food is disrupted. The patient has nausea, vomiting, flatulence and stool disorders.
  4. Changing the color of the stool - with a decrease in the intake of bile, the feces become light.
  5. Change the color of the tongue - the tongue turns red.
  6. The intense color of urine is urine or saturated yellow, or has a brown color.
  7. Yellowness of the skin and sclera are the most important sign of almost any gallbladder disease (such a symptom always arises from the fact that bile acids enter the blood and settle in the tissues of the body). Jaundice can be barely discernible, but in severe cases, the patient has a marked yellow staining of the skin and sclera.

Treatment of diseases of the gallbladder

Presence of signs of gallbladder disease allows you to suspect pathology, but to clarify the diagnosis is necessary additional laboratory or instrumental diagnostics. If by results of analyzes at you disease of this organ is found out, therapy should be appointed or nominated immediately, differently there can be complications. Treatment of gallbladder diseases is always complex - drugs are prescribed taking into account the symptoms, causes of the disease and pathological changes.

However, there is a general purpose for all patients - a diet. Whatever symptoms are manifested in gallbladder disease, the harmful effect of food on the functioning of this organ should be minimized. For this, fatty varieties of meat and poultry, rich broths, fried and smoked food are excluded from the diet.