Emotional burnout - what is it and how to cope with it?

Emotional burnout is a mechanism of psychological defense that occurs when pressure is long on the personality of stressors associated with a certain type of activity. A specialist of any profession is subject to this syndrome.

Emotional burnout in psychology

The phenomenon of emotional burnout (English burnout syndrome) was first described by the American psychiatrist G. Freidenberg. This is a gradual increase in the state of emotional exhaustion, leading to personal deformation of various depths, down to severe violations of cognitive processes and psychosomatic diseases. People with progressive emotional burnout are indifferent to their work and cynical towards others.

Causes of emotional burnout

Preventing emotional burnout is based on eliminating the factors that led to the condition. Causes leading to emotional burnout:

Symptoms of emotional burnout

The symptomatology of the syndrome at first is indistinguishable from the occurrence of such conditions as fatigue as a result of stress, it is similar to neurosis and depression. Signs of emotional burnout:

Stages of emotional burnout

Emotional burning out begins imperceptibly and is perceived as simply accumulated fatigue. There are several theories describing the stages of emotional burnout. The psychologist J. Greenberg described the types of emotional burnout in 5 stages:

  1. "Honeymoon" - 1 stage. The specialist is satisfied with his work, copes with current loads, overcoming stresses, but colliding, every time with the next stress factor, discontent begins to arise.
  2. "Lack of fuel" - Stage 2. There are problems with falling asleep. Lack of incentive and motivation, encouragement from management lead to thoughts about uselessness, productivity decreases, apathy "leans". Interest in work in this organization is lost. If the motivation is (for example, issue an honorary certificate), the employee continues to work hard, but at the expense of health.
  3. "Chronic symptoms" - the third stage. Workaholism leads to exhaustion, exhaustion of nervous resources. It is accompanied by irritability, anger or depression and a sense of cornering and lack of time.
  4. "Crisis" is the 4th stage. There is growing dissatisfaction with himself as a specialist, psychosomatic diseases are formed, working capacity is low, poor state of health.
  5. "Punching the wall" - stage 5. Diseases become chronic with frequent exacerbations with a threat to life (myocardial infarction, strokes). Threat of a career.

Syndrome of emotional burnout

Professional emotional burnout - there is no such specialty in which this phenomenon could not arise, favorite work sometimes causes apathy, unwillingness to go to it and a huge sense of helplessness. The more time passes since the onset of the syndrome and there is no taking responsibility for one's condition and the desire to do something about it - the stronger the professional and personal deformation of a person.

Emotional burnout of teachers

Syndrome of emotional burnout in teachers arises from increased loads and responsibility for each student. In each class there are "difficult" children, to whom a special approach is needed and this does not guarantee against the occurrence of conflicts. Emotional burnout of teachers also occurs for other reasons:

Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome in the teacher's work:

Emotional burnout in doctors

Emotional burnout from medical personnel can be dangerous for patients - it reduces the criticality to their actions during procedures and manipulations, cynicism, lost sympathy for the patient, as a person, and not to the "material" lead to negligence and errors, leading to possible death patient. Emotional burnout at work for a doctor is an alarming sign that it is important to review your attitude and if there are worrying preconditions to take preventive actions.

Emotional burning out of mom

The upbringing of the child is a tremendous spiritual and physical work plus a great responsibility. Emotional burning out of mom on maternity leave is a frequent phenomenon, it happens for the following reasons:

What can be done:

Diagnosis and prevention of emotional burnout

Preventative measures and timely diagnosis of emotional burnout serve to timely track the disturbed psychoemotional balance and take steps to prevent or alleviate the condition. Self-diagnostics can be carried out with the help of questions that must be honestly answered:

  1. Do I like this work;
  2. I see myself here in 1,2,3 years (in the same position or higher);
  3. What am I striving for?
  4. What is important in my work?
  5. What is the benefit of this work?
  6. Do I want to develop further in this profession;
  7. What will change if I leave this job?

Methods for preventing emotional burnout

The long-known truth that it is easier to prevent than treat, so the prevention of emotional burnout is so important. If there is no possibility to visit a psychologist in the near future, we must start acting on our own. Emotional psychological burnout can be prevented or delayed in time, observing simple rules:

Emotional burnout - how to fight?

Emotional burnout - how to treat and cure it completely? It is important to note that this syndrome is not considered a disease, it can be attributed to a psychophysiological condition characterized by signs of nervous system depletion, neurosis-like state and depression already in the case when emotional (mental) burnout is already in full swing. On initial manifestations, you can use the following recommendations:

Emotional burnout - treatment

How to cope with emotional burnout if preventive measures did not help and the feeling of emptiness only increases? Do not be afraid to visit a psychotherapist to prescribe adequate medication. Exhaustion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin will only exacerbate the condition, and enhance the symptoms of emotional burnout syndrome. The doctor prescribes individual therapy with medication: