This term can often be found in various articles on the education of children. Affective affection is an excessive desire of the child to be constantly with the mother. Many young mothers often face such a phenomenon, but there are also those women who unknowingly form their behavior in their own child.
What does the term affective attachment mean?
The definition of this concept can be found in various works on the psychology of child development. Too strong desire of the child to be constantly near to the mother - that is what the term affective affection means. Determine that the baby is experiencing this particular feeling is simple. As a rule, such children do not want to leave their parents for one minute. They are not interested in games with other children, all they want is to be with their mother all the time. Parents who encounter such behavior often say that the child arranges tantrums even because the mother left the room in the kitchen without taking it with her.
The reasons for the appearance of such excessive attachment can be completely different things. At a certain age, the baby has an Oedipus complex or an Electra complex . It is at this time that there may be signs of affective attachment that will pass with time. More serious psychologists consider the situation when the mother herself forms such behavior in the child.
Behavior of parents and their impact on children
Some mothers, due to the nature of their nature, themselves form affective affections in children. Usually this happens if a woman gives the child dual signals, for example, she simultaneously hugs the baby, that is, shows him her love and disposition, and at the same time scolds him.
Psychologists advise parents to carefully monitor the signals that they send to their children. The child should clearly understand what exactly the message he receives from his mother. In childhood it is difficult to understand the occurrence of certain emotions . The kid simply can not realize that his mother scolds him and hugs him at the same time because she was very frightened for him. But he feels that something strange is happening, which means, frightening. Attempts to adjust to the behavior of parents can often result in the child trying to stay close to his mother all the time.