How to lose weight with soda?

When asked about how to lose weight with soda, girls usually wait for an answer about how to take it inside. In fact, many of those who tried to lose weight in this way, greatly regretted it - but later, in the office of the gastroenterologist.

How to drink soda to lose weight? ..

Home-grown "connoisseurs" of weight loss advise girlfriends to drink soda due to the fact that it is supposedly capable of inhibiting the absorption of fats in the stomach. But before deciding how much to drink soda to lose weight, refer to common sense.

In folk medicine, soda is taken internally gradually to relieve inflammation, heartburn, as this component reduces acidity. But reduced acidity does not allow the stomach to sufficiently process and assimilate the useful substances that you get with food, so even for medicinal purposes it can be used no more often than 1-2 times a year.

The fact is that fats are not digested in the stomach, but in the intestines, and soda acts exactly in the stomach. Thus, the fat that you got with food, soda does not affect, but it does not give us any useful elements. And this is fraught not only with problems with the stomach, but also with the whole body, which from such a dangerous "weight loss system" suffers from a lack of nutrients.

That is why the question of how to use soda to lose weight does not have an adequate answer. Because it's dangerous to use soda for losing weight!

How to use soda to lose weight?

However, you can still use the power of soda in the process of losing weight. For example, if you make a bath bomb from it or just add it to the water and take a bath by the course.

This approach leads to the removal of toxins through the skin, deep cleansing of cells and enhancement of metabolic processes - after all, a clean organism always works better. For reception of baths there are such rules:

  1. Water should be a little warmer than the body - 38-39 degrees. Take it you need to sit, plunging to the teat line, so as not to strain the heart.
  2. Half the bath (namely, the amount of water you need), you need about 1 glass of soda. It is best to dilute it first with water, then add to the bath.
  3. Take a bath with a course of 10 sessions of 20 minutes every other day, preferably at bedtime or at a time when you have the opportunity to relax after taking a bath for at least an hour.

Combining the reception of soda baths with proper nutrition and exercise, you will lose weight, pull up the body and most importantly - do yourself no harm.