Zaeda in the corners of the mouth - treatment

Zaedami in the people called small cracks and wounds in the corners of the mouth. Scientifically, this problem is called angular or angular stomatitis, and sometimes it is diagnosed as a slit impetigo. Behind the treatment of snacks in the corners of the mouth, many are treated almost immediately after their appearance, because they deliver too much discomfort. In addition to the fact that the cracks are almost always inflamed and look very unpresentable, they also hurt quite severely.

Treatment of zaed in the corners of the mouth in adults

The causes of the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth may be different. In some, they occur against the background of insufficient oral hygiene, while others suffer because of the activity of pathogens. Accordingly, in order for the treatment to be effective, we first need to determine what caused the problem:

  1. Disease of a fungal origin can be cured by antifungal and antiseptic means.
  2. If angular stomatitis has appeared because of the virus, antiviral medicines will be needed.
  3. Bacteria cause the disease infrequently, and yet in some cases antibacterial treatment of snacks in the corners of the mouth may be required.
  4. It happens that it is impossible to determine the cause of the ailment. In such cases, complex drugs are prescribed that have both antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial effects.

The best for treating zaed in the corners of the mouth are ointments, creams and special solutions for lotions:

  1. Clotrimazole - ointment for fighting fungi. It is prescribed for all types of pathogens, except for streptococci.
  2. Strong-acting tetracycline ointment is used for bacterial lesions. It is better to be treated with more fatty forms of the drug, although eye ointment acts quite effectively - it does not burn, almost never causes an allergic reaction.
  3. Stomatidine is a good antiseptic. A solution usually rinses the mouth. Sometimes it is used for lotions. As practice has shown, a drug can also destroy some fungi, and even streptococci.
  4. Very fast treatment of snacks in the corners of the mouth will provide all known antiseptics: iodine, zelenka or fukortsin. The only condition - after using their skin you need to moisten a little.
  5. To combat severe inflammation, not too strong glucocorticosteroids are used: Triderm, Gyioxysone, Trimystin.
  6. After topical antibiotic treatment it is useful to treat the skin around the lips with Bepanten or D-Panthenol. They will speed the healing of wounds.

Treatment of zaed in the corners of the mouth during pregnancy

The fight against angular stomatitis during pregnancy becomes more complicated. Unfortunately, because of the weakened immunity, the future mothers need to get sick more often, but you can not treat anything practically at the same time. Only the prescriptions of alternative medicine remain relevant.

Among the most famous folk remedies for eating zaed in the corners of the mouth can be identified as follows:

  1. It is useful to rinse your mouth with infusion of calendula flowers.
  2. Leaves of plantain should be ground until they are allowed to juice. After - apply the slurry to the wounds.
  3. Very quickly zaeda heals aloe. The leaf can be simply applied to the inflamed area.
  4. To soften the cracks, they need to be smeared with honey or butter (creamy or sea-buckthorn, for example).
  5. To neutralize the germs in the diner, it is sufficient to apply a fresh cut of garlic cloves to it.
  6. Treatment with earwax or own hair does not inspire confidence. Nevertheless, some adherents of traditional medicine are ready to vouch for their effectiveness.