How to make the eyelashes longer and thicker?

One of the main criteria for female attractiveness is long and lush eyelashes. But, unfortunately, not all girls can boast such a natural gift, and some eyelashes with time and under the influence of a number of negative factors lose their original beauty. Therefore, many are concerned with the question of how to make the eyelashes more dense and longer.

Ways to help make eyelashes longer and thicker

Significantly improve the condition of cilia can be due to affordable and effective, time-tested home recipes using natural ingredients. We will give a full set of procedures, which after a month will help make eyelashes, both thicker and longer.

Application of oil

Every day at night, you should apply almond oil to the cleared eyelashes (from the roots to the tips), which will help to strengthen and extend them. For convenience, you can pour the oil into the pre-cleaned tube from the used carcass and apply it with a brush. This tool also helps to achieve a dense eyelash, tk. the substances contained in it activate the "sleeping" bulbs, renewing their growth. Carefully distributing the oil on the eyelashes, you should wait about 20 minutes and get a little wet eyes with a paper napkin.

Massage of lids

Applying oil to the eyelashes, you can also perform the massage of the eyelids - by lightly tapping and circular massaging movements of the ring fingers. This will not only help to improve eyelashes, but also improve the skin condition of the eyelids.

Mask for eyelashes

Once every 2-3 days, you should do the mask for the eyelashes, applying the following mixture for 20-30 minutes (to choose from):

How to make eyelashes visually longer and thicker?

With insufficiently long, rare cilia, you should use some simple makeup tricks that will help give them a more presentable look:

  1. Choose black mascara with the effect of volume and elongation.
  2. Before applying mascara powder the eyelashes.
  3. Apply dark eyeliner on the upper eyelid.