Blue circles under the eyes

A woman at any age and state wants to look good. Appearance depends on many factors, the most important of which is the state of health. Blue circles under the eyes make the look painful and tired. We will find out why the blue circles are formed under the eyes and how to remove them.

The causes of the appearance of blue circles under the eyes

The reasons for the formation of bluish circles in the ocelli region are somewhat. Let's mention the main ones.

Disturbance of blood circulation

On the face in the eye zone is a lot of blood, as well as lymph vessels. If blood circulation is disturbed and lymph drainage, they expand and become more noticeable. To a large extent this contributes to unhealthy habits, first of all, smoking, alcohol abuse, excessive consumption of coffee.

Deficiency of minerals and vitamins

In people with anemia, along with a pale skin, the bluish edging of the eyes rushes into your eyes. A similar result leads to a fascination with mono-diets, when the body feels a lack of vitamins and minerals.


The intense rhythm of life, insufficient air exposure, insomnia affects the skin condition of the face, mainly in the eye area.

Thin skin

The skin on the face has a very thin fatty layer. Especially tender is the skin under the eyes. Over the years, the layer becomes thinner and the bluish blood vessels become more noticeable. In some people, suds are visible even at a young age. This feature of appearance, as a rule, is inherited.

How to get rid of blue circles under the eyes?

Bluish circles under the eyes - a defect of appearance, for the elimination of which you want to change your way of life. Namely:

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Set the mode of the day. It is necessary to allocate more time for a dream, walks on fresh air, playing sports.
  3. Revise the diet. It is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements. Very useful for skin products containing antioxidants (green tea, beans, parsley, red and blue berries).
  4. Protect the skin from excessive exposure to sunlight, applying sunscreen before going to the skin in the eye zone.

An effective remedy for blue circles under the eyes are lotions and masks from:

A noticeable result is the use of a strawberry infusion for washing and in a frozen form for daily rubbing of the eye area.