3d manicure

3d prints in modern fashion occupy a significant place. Such drawings today are presented not only in the wardrobe, but also the art of nail design. By the way, 3d manicure has become a fashion trend in recent seasons. Bright abstractions, illusory patterns-deceptions, the image of the famous heroes of movies and cartoons, and much more - that's the popular choice of nail design today.

Fashion manicure with 3d effect

In modern art nail-art 3d manicure is presented in any style. It can be a certain design with an emphasis on seasonality, thematic focus or simply everyday universal choice. However, the uniqueness of three-dimensional images on the nails is that they can be performed in several ways. Let's see the most popular ideas of 3d manicure?

3d manicure with modeling . The first way to create volumetric drawings on nails was the option of acrylic modeling. Most often, such a decor is presented in a romantic style. Flowers, bows , butterflies and various cakes or cakes are original and unusually decorate one, two or all at once fingers.

Manicure with 3d stickers . The simplest way to create a three-dimensional effect on nails is to choose self-adhesive plates with a pattern. The fashionable solution to the theme of this decor was illusory abstraction. A trendy trend in recent seasons is the space theme with the 3d effect in manicure. The planets, stars, and also the violet-purple coloration characteristic for this style look not only stylishly, but also attractive.

Caviar manicure . Unusual and original is the way to create a voluminous manicure with the help of small beads of the same size. Brooks can decorate as one, and all fingers. This design is called caviar, because it is very reminiscent of the delicacy, especially in red or black.