How to forget a man who does not reciprocate?

Love and rational reasoning rarely interact, but sometimes the mind still understands that she should forget a man who does not reciprocate, but how to do it - she does not know. What to do to forget the person you love, psychologists will prompt.

How to forget a man you love madly?

Despite the lack of reciprocity, women often "cling" to a lover not so much because of strong feelings, but because of the fear of loneliness and negative attitudes toward themselves. Forget a person who can not reciprocate if you change your lifestyle and love yourself.

Psychologists in this case recommend developing their own self-sufficiency. A self-sufficient person never feels lonely, he is quite comfortable in the society of himself. In a state of freedom (but not loneliness), such a person sees many advantages, for example, the opportunity to do anything, not reporting to anyone. A free person can always find time for hobbies, travel, recreation.

How to force yourself to forget your loved one?

To quickly forget the former lover, he must be completely excluded from his life - remove all contacts from the phone, block it in social networks, and even better - delete his page. At the same time, you need to increase your living space. To do this, you need to start visiting unfamiliar cafes and restaurants, forgetting the way to those establishments where visits were held, make new friends, find new hobbies, go in for sports.

A sharp break with a loved one is stressful , even if the woman herself decided to give up a non-reciprocal chevalier. After parting, the lady left alone can take the path of self-destruction - enter into short-term sexual intercourse, resort to alcohol or drugs. In this case, you need to contact a psychotherapist who will help you experience unrequited love with the least loss.