One of the great additional methods of getting rid of excess weight is self-massage of the stomach for weight loss. Of course, he alone will not give a bright effect, but in combination with diet, sports and, perhaps, home wraps, the results will appear quite quickly. It is important not to confuse the main means to reduce weight, which includes a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, with additional ones, which include massage.
Is it possible to remove the stomach with a massage?
Many girls hope that you can lie on the couch all the evenings and eat chocolate every day, and then make a self-massage of the stomach, and the fat will instantly split. It is easy to understand that this is more a myth than a truth. It is impossible to achieve real effects in losing weight, using only massage.
The fact is that the massage of the abdomen and sides gives only an increased flow of blood to the places of accumulation of fat and thus directs the fat burning in this area. However, it only guides and does not burn fat. That is, if you limit yourself to nutrition and exercise (or at least do something one of the two), then the body will start to lose weight precisely from the area on which you do a stomach massage at home. If you do only self-massage, you will not see the effect.
Summarizing the above, you can remove the stomach with massage, but only in combination with proper nutrition (exclude at least sweet and fat) and with sports (if you can not go to aerobics, stap or yoga, do home with a hoop, rope, etc.).
How correctly to do a stomach massage?
Consider how to do a massage to remove the stomach. Immediately it is worth noting that in addition to the classic massage, you can well turn to a massage apparatus. Currently, a great variety of all kinds of hardware massagers, and each of them you can quite use in accordance with the instructions attached to it. Hardly in this you will have difficulties.
However, you can remove fat from the abdomen with a massage and without buying a device that is likely to soon find peace on the far shelf. To do this, you can perform effective in this case, a plucked massage of the abdomen. His technique is pretty simple, and you can easily master it.
Consider how to do a stomach massage:
- Take a shower, massage the scrub or stiff washcloth problem areas.
- Dry yourself, lie on your back, relax.
- Start with light strokes of the abdominal skin (you can grab both sides).
- Gradually, start gently to tingle the fatty tissue, while moving your hand around in a circle, clockwise.
- Each new circle should correspond to the strengthening of your pressure.
- If you do everything right and grab it hard enough, the skin will soon start blushing. The tone should be calm red, not burgundy, so do not bite into yourself. The skin gradually gets used to the sensations and with each circle you will be all the easier.
- When the entire abdomen becomes uniformly red, with effort, rub it with terry
with a towel. - After this, you can apply oil or body cream.
It is important to remember that regularity is your main assistant. Self-massage is necessary either daily, or every other day, at least a month. At the same time 2 hours before and 2 hours after the session it is forbidden to take anything except clean water.
Self-massage of the stomach for weight loss can include not only tingle, but also light pats, and stroking. As classic pinch massage, recognized as the best in weight loss, will work for you easily, add a circle through the circle with easy tapping and stroking.