Asceticism as a way of life - types and causes

A person can be content with a small one - the postulate of people preaching minimalism as opposed to consumerism that has overwhelmed the modern world. Asceticism is encouraged in different religions and often is a rigid practice: self-torture. It is difficult for a common person to go this way, but there are less severe austerities, the result of which is impressive.

What is asceticism?

Asceticism is the way of life of a person who has embarked on the path of knowing himself and the universe, and the ascetics' tool is a conscious self-restriction with the goal of educating in oneself the desired qualities and the closest approach to the Divine principle. The ascetic person voluntarily deprives himself of a significant share of material wealth and develops the ascetic thinking in himself.

Asceticism contains two components:

  1. Material asceticism is a rejection of the modern goods of civilization and artificial needs created by society.
  2. Spiritual asceticism is the restriction or total rejection of sensual pleasures, the creation of a family. Reflections on God, reading of spiritual literature. At a deeper level, the rejection of society and retreat to monasteries, monasteries.

Asceticism in Philosophy

Ancient Greece was famous for its various philosophical currents and schools, for which the rest of the world was oriented. Cynics is a school of philosophers of the times of Socrates, preaching a special way of life, consisting in the renunciation of the benefits provided by society. A bright representative of the cynics Diogenes Sinopsky wandered and begged. Another Greek school - the Stoics, founded by Zeno of China, rejected the antisocial path. Asceticism in philosophy is a trend formed under the influence of Stoic philosophers (Seneca, Marcus Aurelius), which is based on:

The ascetics in Orthodoxy

Asceticism in Christianity is connected with Christ, the image of which the Orthodox ascetic cherishes in the soul and relies on him in everyday affairs, filling them with divine meaning. With the help of prayers, the ascetic attuned to the divine and devotes all his austerities to God in overcoming temptations and passions. During the year, the Orthodox ascetic observes all fasts, prays, communes and confesses. Studying the lives of saints strengthens the Christian in his intentions.

Christian saints who led an ascetic life (asceticism):

Austerity in Buddhism

When Prince Gautama Siddhartha turned 29, he shaved his hair, put on the monk's modest clothes and left the palace of his parents to say goodbye to the luxurious life. So Gautama became an enlightened seeker - the Buddha. For 6 years, the Buddha lived as an ascetic: he mortified his flesh with severe austerities and one day nearly died of exhaustion, while not coming close to the truth for a moment. The Buddha realized that the self-mortification of the flesh was a useless method for enlightenment and began to practice meditation and meditation. For Buddhism, the following austerities are typical, leading to Nirvana:

  1. Shamatha is the main and main internal austerity of Buddhists - the concentration and complete tranquility of mind and consciousness.
  2. Vipasjana - the cultivation of higher knowledge (meditation).
  3. Moderation in food is the following of the Middle Way in asceticism. The body is contained in a state in which the ascetic does not distract from concentrating on meditation. In Buddhism, physical austerity is not as important as the austerity of control over thoughts.
  4. Practice Sati (awareness) mental division of the body into 32 elements (hair, teeth, skin, nails, etc.) helps to discipline thoughts in order not to succumb to worldly temptations.
Celibacy and poverty .

Types of asceticism

The ascetic way of life involves a huge internal work and must be done every day only from a blessed state. Austerities practiced in anger, passion and pride have nothing to do with spirituality. Asceticism is conventionally divided into species that are closely interrelated:

  1. The asceticism of language is a very important austerity of speech. Vain words, gossip are inadmissible in ascetics. Truthfulness and kind words create a favorable destiny for a person and his loved ones.
  2. The asceticism of the body is the wearing of a simple, natural material of clothing, observance of moderation in food, veneration, respect of parents and older in age.
  3. The asceticism of the mind - purity and control of thoughts is given sufficient attention. Self-control helps to control feelings and guide them in the right direction. The satisfaction of the mind depends on the food received and is associated with austerities for the body. Light food - positive thoughts, heavy food - fears, ignorance, loss of control over the mind.

How do the ascetics live?

In modern society ascetic is a person who has decided to go through the process of liberation in order to rid himself of unnecessary consumerism and everything that has become obsolete: things, connections, thinking, the old way of life. The very word ascetic means stern, strict, spartan. To date, people who have chosen the path of asceticism live by adhering to the rules:

  1. Satisfaction is small, without the sense of inferiority imposed by marketers. Good books, better expensive household appliances and furniture sets.
  2. A minimum of things.
  3. Great importance is attached to the development of the inner world.
  4. A careful attitude towards nature (plastic bags, bottles are absent in the everyday life of ascetics due to cluttering of the planet with these oil products).
  5. Charity.

Asceticism - causes

Why do we need asceticism for a modern person? The main universal values ​​have remained unchanged for many centuries: respect, health, knowledge of their capabilities, the belief that the "I" is not only a body, but also a spiritual substance. The meaning of asceticism for each person is unique and carries its own meaning. The reasons for which a person begins to practice austerities:

Asceticism - principles

What does asceticism mean? Soloviev (n philosopher of the XIX century.) Described in his work "Justification of Good," while noting the main principles of asceticism:

  1. Submitting the flesh to the spirit is a worthy attitude to what is below the Spirit.
  2. Compassion, altruism, self-control, awe are the main components of gracious asceticism.
  3. Love of God (the Absolute, the Logos, the Universe) - without her any austerity loses meaning.

Asceticism is good

Asceticism as a way of life was taken up by today's generation of youth. People who have embarked on the path of self-restraint are asked questions about the appropriateness of asceticism. Reasonable asceticism does bring tangible benefits to a person, corresponding to the meaning for which austerity is accomplished. Practical results of asceticism:

Famous ascetics

The ascetic person draws attention by his activities and actions, which are called upon to improve this world. Basically, these are people who have passed certain difficulties and hardships on their own way of life, having mastered the spiritual truths of the universe. Famous personalities of ascetics:

  1. Alexander Suvorov is the great commander of Russia. He endured life difficulties with optimism. He was simple in communication and loved by his soldiers. Saying: "The head should be kept in the cold, the stomach is hungry, and the feet are warm" is a true example of Suvorov's asceticism.
  2. Alexander Suvorov

  3. Mother Teresa is a nun and a public figure who daily performed the penance of serving people and loving God.
  4. Mother Theresa

  5. Mark Zuckerberg - the founder of the Facebook network is satisfied with the simple clothes of ordinary producers, together with his wife lead a modest lifestyle.
  6. Mark Zuckerberg

  7. Jose Cordano - the former president of Uruguay, transferred most of his salary to charitable foundations for the needy.
  8. Jose Cordano

  9. Keanu Reeves - the favorite actor of millions lives in a small apartment, moves by public transport, welcoming and sympathizing with ordinary people. The actor's fees go to fight cancer and help the indigent.
  10. Keanu Reeves