Bromhexine - syrup

Dry cough, which brings fatigue, pain, pain - the main symptom for the work of Bromhexin. From cough Bromhexin is, perhaps, the most famous medicine on the domestic market. And it is justified, because for 15 years of existence it has confirmed its effectiveness.

Bromhexine - composition

Active compound that acts on sputum in the lungs is bromhexine hydrochloride. When a cough occurs, the mucous membrane covering the bronchi loses its usual properties, its viscosity increases, so it hardly separates and forms a medium with high acidity. This situation disrupts the work of the bronchi. Bromhexine hydrochloride acts on sputum, eliminating its acidity and facilitating the restoration of a neutral medium. In addition, the tasks of bromhexine include the activation of bronchial activity, so that sputum is released from them.

After the bronchi are cleared, the environment inside comes to a normal state, which leads to the elimination of all expressed signs of the disease. Due to its constituents and the mechanism of action, Bromgeksin acts as a main assistant in dry cough and is used in the diagnosis of such diseases as:

Bromhexine syrup is made from water, eucalyptus oil, ethyl alcohol and other additives. Due to the addition of flavorings, the syrup has a pleasant fruity aroma.

How to take Bromhexine?

Bromhexine, its method of administration and dose, differ in the necessary measures for patients of different ages. What to choose: a syrup, solution or form of tablets, usually recommended by a doctor. Small is most often prescribed syrup, tablets are chosen for adolescents and adults.

Prescribe Bromhexine three times a day: adults 8-16 mg, children 6 to 14 years for 8 mg, children 2 to 6 years of 4 mg, children under 2 years of 2 mg. Bromhexine can be purchased in tablets of 4 and 8 mg, in packages of 10, 20, 25 or 50 pieces.

Bromhexine syrup is sold in a vial of 60 or 100 ml, in a set for convenience of use is a measuring spoon. 5 ml of syrup corresponds to a dose of 4 mg tablets.

Bromhexine for inhalations in the pharmacy will be offered in the form of a solution. Preparation of inhalations begins with the dilution of this solution with distilled water (proportions 1: 1) and its subsequent heating. When the inhalation dose for children under 2 years is 5 drops, up to 6 years - 10 drops, up to 10 years - the volume of 1 ml, up to 14 years - 2 ml, and for adults - 4 ml.

Before the procedure it is recommended to get a doctor's advice so that they do not lead to negative consequences and side effects.

Bromhexine analogues

Firstly, it should be said that there is a Russian version of Bromhexine in pharmacies along with Bromhexin Berlin Hemi. It is produced in the same versions as the Russian analogue. According to the active component, these drugs coincide, and therefore, by the method of action, too. Bromhexine from Russia is cheaper.

The analogues of Bromhexin are Solvin and Bronchotil, which in the general international classification are equated to Bromgexin, which explains the equivalence of drugs.

One of the most popular substitutes for Bromhexine is Ambroxol, which itself acts as the product of the breakdown of Bromhexine. In terms of their effects, these compounds are absolutely identical. Therefore, to the question that bromhexine or lazolvan is better, there is no direct answer, because the main constituent of lazolvan is ambroxol.

Often, Ambroxol is preferred to Bromgexin for the reasons that it is a direct compound that affects our sputum, while Bromgexin must still decompose to the state of the latter. Consequently, the impact is faster, easier, and perhaps more effective.